Mayor Phil Anderson; Commissioners Marty Sullivan, Sheila DeCiccio, Kris Cruzada, and Todd Weaver; City Manager Randy Knight; and City Clerk Rene Cranis.
1) Call to Order
Mayor Anderson called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m.
2) Discussion Item(s)
a. Commission Priorities
Mayor Anderson reviewed his proposed agenda based on prior discussions:
1. Comments on the Agenda
2. Does the Summary Outline/Grouping Still Work?
3. Discuss Open Items from Last Year and New Priorities.
4. 5/25-year Strategic Investment Plan Highlights
5. Ranked Choice – Each Commissioner’s top 3-5 Priorities
6. Next Steps
7. Review of the March 30th list:
Item 4 was removedfor discussion in a separatework session. Mayor Anderson asked for a report on unallocated ARPA funds.
The commission reviewed the Summary of 2021 Commission Priorities Planning Work Session as of March 30, 2021.
• Parks, Traffic, Mobility, Parking-Major Projects, Land and Expenditure. The following were added to the list: o Brewer Curve – Safety on Aloma/Fairbanks. (Requested FDOT to accelerate the process if the city pays for the study up front and is reimbursed by FDOT.) o Winter Pines Golf Course o Downtown and Library and Events Center Parking o Mead Garden (To be part of the 5/25-year priority list. Commissioner Weaver noted that the undergrounding down from Denning and the bike path are a priority with Mead Garden.
Discussion was held on the need for a cohesive overall multi-mobility and connectivity plan including connections between Denning, 17-92, and Orlando. Commissioner Cruzada added that Cady Way Trail needs an east/west connection over Aloma.
Mr. Briggs said construction is planned to begin in October on the Cady Way trail connection to the easement behind Mayflower. Staff is currently working with FDOT on an ADA plan and discussed future improvements to Lakemont in terms of a larger, safer bike lane. Commissioner Weaver feels a full center lane down Lakemont is required. He expressed the importance of connectivity to the planned regional path map.
Mayor Anderson suggested adding a discussion on restrooms for the West Meadow. Discussion followed on provisions that restrict restrooms (closed facility) in the park and the use of mobile restrooms as an alternative. There was no consensus on the use of a mobile restroom option.
o Parking
Mr. Knight stated that a parking garage is a placeholder in the CRA budget. Commissioner Weaver stated that CRAB did not want a parking garage adjacent to Park Avenue. He suggested paving some of the church parking lots on the west side and providing shuttles to Park Avenue. Kyle Dudgeon, Division Director of CRA and Economic Development, discussed feedback he’s received from business owners and consumers regarding downtown parking needs and stated that it is something to consider as well how parking is managed. Mayor Anderson summarized that the Library and Events Center and Park Avenue parking needs discussion is needed in the context of CRA budgeting in the latter part of the legislative year. Agreed to by consensus.
• CRA boundaries o Fairbanks to I-4 Mayor Anderson suggested leaving the Fairbanks to I-4 area discussion on the list as it ties into future annexations.
Commissioner Cruzada asked if any consideration has been given to expanding the CRA to include the Housing Authority and Plymouth. Mr. Knight stated it has not been considered. Discussion followed changing or expanding CRA, use of CRA funds for affordable housing and fire station on Lee Road. Commissioner Weaver suggested adding Northwood Circle to the CRA. Mayor Anderson suggested a work session on CRA expansion after the affordable housing work session on April 28th.
• Guiding Vision and Themes
Mayor Anderson would like to see design guidelines for the commercial corridor as part of an annexation strategy as well on how to address neighborhood complaints about re- builds. In-depth discussion was held on building codes for residential home tear-downs and rebuilds as they relate stormwater drainage and requirements. Consensus was to look into stormwater impacts, but there was no consensus to review the code to respond to overbuilding and tear-down situations. Mr. Briggs said that at the request of the commission, staff is actively working to simplify residential codes.
Discussion was held ondesign guidelines for 17-92 and West Fairbanks. Mayor Anderson noted that Planning and Zoning is working with Brian Canin on guidelines for Fairbanks down to Minnesota.
• City Assets
o Add Winter Pines Golf Course.
Mr. Knight noted that the city is working with the Parks & Recreation Board and the Winter Park Land Trust to create a list of targeted grants for the commission to review. He asked the commission to submit potential properties. Other suggestions included targeted land for a fire station, Bank of the Ozarks and the Patmos Chapel property.
Mayor Anderson added the Semoran Blvd. property adjacent to Winter Pines Golf Course (6.9 acres). Mr. Knight stated annexation of the property would have to be a voluntary annexation by the property owner. Discussion followed on zoning and uses potentially acceptable to area residents and possible future of the property.
• Sustainability and Environmental
Commissioner Sullivan noted that there is a pending RFP for renewable energy. Gloria Eby, Directorof Natural Resources and Sustainability, said the RFP is closed and is in the selection process and scheduling of presentations. Commissioner Weaver requested an informal meeting with Sustainability staff to discuss commission priorities.
• Resident boards
o Transportation Advisory Board – tasked with creating plan for bike mobility/ connectivity path.
Mayor Anderson asked if there is consensus to consider adjusting Morse Blvd. for an east/west connection between Central Park and the Emerald Necklace. Discussion followed on changing Morse Blvd. to two lanes given capacity and use. Consensus was to consider modifications to Morse Blvd. as part of the mobility plan.
• Serving City Staff Mayor Anderson explained this includes filling open positions, competitive salaries, and mental health professionals by the Police Department. Mr. Knight stated that staff is researching the use of mental health professionals as community service officers.
Commissioner DeCiccio said new tasers are needed for the police officers. Mr. Knight said this is part of the budget process. Staff is also conducting a pay study to identify difficult to fill positions and solutions to recruit and retain employees.
• Enterprise/Other Projects:
o FD Training Facility
Mr. Knight said a fire training facility at the City Operations could displace other laydown yard activities for electric and water utility. The tree farm is a candidate for either a training facility or laydown yard and staff is evaluating all options to provide a comprehensive solution. Discussion followed on training facility locations outside of the city limits.
o Add fixing fire station on Lakemont.
• Annexations
Mr. Knight stated that in addition to potential annexation areas south of W. Fairbanks and Lake Killarney, there other several targeted annexation areas identified in the Comp Plan. Discussion followed on impacts to the city resulting from annexations including police, fire and financial and the need for a fire station in the Killarney area should the neighborhood be annexed into the city.
o SunRail to/from airport
Mr. Knight stated that Orange County will meet later this month to determine whether the transportation tax will be added to the November ballot.
• Strategic Planning
Mayor Anderson suggested having an offsite strategic planning session in the next six months to discuss key objectives and initiatives, key performance indicators and to determine operations and level of service by department. Mr. Knight stated that the session would be helpful and could be a two-day facilitated process. Staff will present options for locations and facilitators after budget adoption.
3) Adjournment
Mayor Anderson adjourned the meeting at 2:56 p.m.
View the original PDF at the City of Winter Park. (
Posted to on May 24, 2022.