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City Commission Work Session Minutes - August 10, 2021


Mayor Phil Anderson

Commissioner Marty Sullivan Commissioner Sheila DeCiccio

Commissioner Carolyn Cooper

Commissioner Todd Weaver

City Manager Randy Knight

City Clerk Rene Cranis

1) Call to Order Mayor Anderson called the meeting to order at 3:02 p.m.

2) Discussion Item(s) a. Strategic Planning/Capital PlanningDiscussion Mayor Anderson said that this a continuation of the discussion and review of the 5-year plan. He noted that non-recurring projects currently in the 5-year plan result in a funding deficit of approximately $39 million and suggested either reducing the expenditure and/or pushing the project out to 6-25-year(long-term) plan. The following options close the funding gap were offered:

Progress Point • Reduce depending on final plans (Mayor) • Remove preparation of building pad ($750k) and arrival court ($1M) and include in the RFP. (Cooper) • Reduce by $3-4M. (DeCiccio)

Land – on Fairbanks near Denning ($3M) • Remove. (Cooper) • Take out $700k-$800k out and use to purchase other Fairbanks Avenue property to add to park land and own Lake Rose for stormwater management. (Weaver) • Remove. (DeCiccio)

Tree Farm • Move to long-term plan. (Mayor) • Remove $5M and reserve 2.5 acres to be used as post office distribution center, a new fire station or as lay-down for hurricanes. (Cooper and agreed to by Sullivan) • Remove. (DeCiccio)

Old Library • Reduce depending on determination of future use. (Mayor) • Explore public/private partnership and remove $7.5M and fix the roof and then use the ARPA funds to do renovations. (Cooper) • Leave $300k for maintenance. Move $7.5M out beyond five-year plan. (Weaver) • Investigate a property swap with Rollins (Sullivan) • Leave $800k until future of building is known and put on long-term plan. (DeCiccio)

Maintenance facility at Swoope ($800k) • Remove, can be a public/private operation. (Weaver)

Traffic Enhancements • Move $1.25M to long-term ($750k funded from ARPA) (Mayor and DeCiccio)

Bike and Mobility Plan (excluding ProgressPoint) • Remove additional $1M. Mayor Anderson said he believes some carry-over funds are included but will reconfirm. (Cooper) • Pedestrian Bridge along Sunrail at 17-92 ($1M) – Remove. She would like ProgressPoint connected with Sunrail first and then OAO connected to the CBD and would defer first to getting crossover on Fairbanks at Denning and on 17-92 at Morse. (Cooper) • Pedestrian/bike bridge alongside Sunrail ($1M) – Retain, suggested a tunnel rather than a bridge as it is less costly. (Weaver)

Lakemont “complete street” ($8M) • Move to long-term or consider for infrastructure bill funding. (Mayor) • Reduce to $3M for aesthetic improvements. Mayor Anderson suggested moving it to the long-term plan. Commissioner Cooper agreed. • Reduce from $8M to fund roundabout at Glenridge and bike paths on Lakemont ($2.5M) (Weaver) • Move to long-term. (DeCiccio)

Lakemont/Aloma Intersection ($3M) • Suggested a placeholder for improvements but push it into the long-term plan and not allocate general funds but instead look for getting it into the Metroplan slot or an infrastructure bill. (Mayor)

Glenridge Intersection ($1.239M) • Supports study for roundabout at Lakemont. • Remove until studies are completed (DeCiccio)

East/West Intersection at Denning/Fairbanks ($3M) and Westbound Morse at 17-92 ($4) • Remove until studies are completed. (DeCiccio)

Infrastructure Bill Prep – design and studies $500,000 • Partial amount for bike lanes on Lakemont. (Weaver)

Orange AvenueTraffic Improvements ($1) • Leave in five-year plan. Should be a budgeted item provided there is shared cost. (Weaver)

Orange/Denning/Minnesota roundabout ($4M). • Move out to long-term or consider for use of Federal infrastructure funding. (Mayor) • Need to put in mobility fee in place to cover. (Cooper) • Remove. (DeCiccio)

Parking Garages ($8M) • Move to long-term. Need for city facility (city hall). Should be a shared cost. (Weaver) • Move to long-term plan. (DeCiccio)

Central Park Stage ($1.3M) • Reduce to $500k. (Cooper) • Reduce by ½ since there are no restrooms. (Weaver)

WP 9-Hole/Swoope Maintenance Facility ($800k) • Add lightening shelter (DeCiccio)

Additional land park space ($5M) • Move to long-term. (Mayor)

Killarney Annexation (Fire Station) • Put money in for building but not land. (Staff to provide cost) (Mayor)

Fire Training Facility($550k) • Remove. Should be regional effort.(Cooper)

Charging Stations ($100k)

• Remove. Private market will do it. (Cooper)

City Hall ($12.5M)

• Reduce by $5M. Use remaining amount for interior upgrades to city hall. (Use $8M in CRA funds for a parking garage with retail component for the post office.) (Cooper)

• Reduce to $2M for AC and energy saving improvements (Weaver)

Commissioner DeCiccio said she feels there needs to be a plan for staffing due to the vacancies which include consideration of increasing salaries.

Mayor Anderson readdressed and discussion was held on the following:

• Central Park Stage - no full consensus on budget and asked whether the city should

$1.3M until the design is complete. Mr. Knight said he was just notified that the design has been received with a budget is in the area of $900k.

• Sufficiency of the infrastructure bill prep – suggested increasing the budget to $750k for studies of roadway intersections, pedestrian bridges, and bike and mobility paths.

• Progress Point ($3.5) – He feels it should be left at $3.5M. Discussion followed on cost and consultant estimates. Commissioners Cooper,Sullivan and DeCiccio agreed. He suggested an additional $1M. Need a healthy margin of error for self-managed work and added as placeholder for next discussion.

• Howell Branch – will add to list but will be funded by grants.

Commissioner Cooper suggested that staff take the $16M page from ACi and change the numbers on that page so we can see how we got from that number to the current number.

The meeting adjourned at 5:58 p.m.

Posted to on November 17, 2021.

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