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City Commission Work Session Minutes - August 4, 2021


Mayor Phil Anderson

Commissioner Marty Sullivan (Virtual) Commissioner Sheila DeCiccio

Commissioner Carolyn Cooper

Commissioner Todd Weaver

City Manager Randy Knight

Asst. City Manager Michelle Neuner

Deputy City Clerk Kim Breland

1) Also Present:

Planning and Transportation Director Bronce Stephenson

Parks and Recreation Director Jason Seeley (Virtual)

Transportation Manager Sarah Walter

Larry Adams, ACi

Ray Waugh, LandDesign

2) Call to Order Mayor Anderson called the meeting to order at 10:05 am

3) Discussion Item(s) a. Progress Point Park Discussion Mr. Stephenson reviewed the history of the project including the ACi scope of services, budget and decisions approved by the Commission and Sub-Committee for the Progress Point Park. He noted that the ACi scope was not to create an RFP, but to create a guide for the RFP process. He added that part of the scope included construction ready plans and that Commission consensus is needed on the boundaries of the park, conceptual design, Palmetto realignment, and bike path location to move forward. Mayor Anderson said that stormwater would need to be discussed.

In response to questions, Mr. Knight stated the sub-committee approved a specific budget and general concept, realignment of Palmetto, removal of the interactive fountain and paving the existing parking area. Commissioner Weaver suggested that Parks & Recreation AdvisoryBoard review the proposed design and provide feedback before moving forward with the design. Discussion followed on configuration of the park, landscape plan and timeline for receiving public input.

Larry Adams of ACi, summarized the scope of services and actions leading to the Redevelopment Guidelines and Action Plan being presented to the Commission. Discussion followed on FAR and square footage calculations for the Comp Plan.

Ray Waugh of LandDesign, reviewed the framework for parking infrastructure and drainage. He discussed the relocation of Palmetto right of way to a position that it is geometrically feasible and would provide as much park space on the park side as possible. He noted that the demolition of the previous structures on the site have increased open space and decreased the impervious area. He discussed opportunities for stormwater treatment and a future parking garage.

Mr. Waugh reviewed the plan for stormwater infrastructure based on current design and explained the most efficient collection and treatment of stormwater. He said the City has reduced the impervious surface to the point that there are areas that may be a better solution than underground treatment. Discussion followed on stormwater treatment and infrastructure, flexibility of the design and options for the site.

Mr. Stephenson addressed the bike path stating that the path needs to be on the north side for safety and to get people to Orlando Avenue. Commissioner Weaver stated he felt that there were good arguments on having the bike path on either side and gave examples of how a bike path could work on the south side. Lengthy discussion ensued on bike path locations, implementation of the greenways plan, solutions, future commuter bike path and safety crossings.

Sarah Walter explained the safety crossing issues and said recommended that the bike trail be located on the north side of the street from a crossing perspective. After discussion, consensus was to place the path on the north side of Palmetto.

Mr. Adams spoke on business models including building type and size, potential rental income, operating income and income value for different buildings/uses. In-depth discussion ensued on return on investment scenarios, hypothetical asset value, calculations for profit vs. value of land lease, and price per square foot/net income conversion.

Commissioner DeCiccio asked for an update on the impact fees for the OAO. Mr. Knight stated that staff is working through the process to put together a rational nexus for the project.

Discussion was held on how a city owned land lease would be received by the market, lease criteria, term lengths and associated costs and RFP criteria, business model and types of uses for the site.

Commissioner Weaver reviewed the history and goals of the OAO to stimulate activity in the corridor, allow businesses to thrive and provide a new area for the public to enjoy.

He said he feels the 1.5-acre park, relocation of Palmetto, proposed brick streets and repaving of the existing parking lot will save a large amount of city funds and shorten the project schedule for the new park.

Commissioner Weaver presented a concept which has the support of the business owners as it would allow for outdoor dining, eliminate curb cuts on Orange Avenue, improve traffic flow, provide more parking space and provide alternate ingress/egress to the parking area.

Commissioner Weaver stated that restrooms, park maintenance facilities and Lynx bus pull-out are needed for this site. He presented a concept for improvements to the parking lot including repaving, a promenade and saving existing oak trees. He proposed extending the swales to the northeast, reserving an easement for a future parking garage and pervious pavers in the park for walkways. He spoke on the budget and allocated funding. He discussed phased development and suggested that, if approved, commercial development be single-story with a galvanized roof for solar.

Commissioner Sullivan supported the extended swale proposal, cypress trees for the swales, Lynx bus pull outs, covered benches at all Lynx stops and using pervious pavers for stormwater treatment.

Mr. Waugh commented on Commissioner Weaver’s plan and feels that the plan should be the plan should be flexible, not dedicate itself to one solution. Commissioner Weaver explained that his plan would carve out the strip along Palmetto for additional green space for stormwater treatment. Further discussion followed on stormwater treatment solutions.

Mrs. Walter supported the Lynx bus pull out and discussed ways to accomplish the pullout without taking the entire twelve-feet from the park and to meet ADA requirements. She stated that it would be beneficial to have one entrance on Palmetto and one entrance on Cypress for the paved parking lot. Discussion followed on landscaping parking lot requirements, angled parking, pervious asphalt, and potential queueing and stacking issues that could result from having both access points on Cypress.

Mayor Anderson said he feels there are policy questions to be answered before releasing the RFP, including quantifying the parking needed for the area, preferred uses (and requirements), options for a second-floor, budget and phases of the park project.

Mr. Stephenson discussed topics related to proposed plan including the adjacent property owners, landscaping and vegetative screening, stormwater swales, restrooms, maintenance storage area, parking issues along Palmetto and the existing parking shortage. He recommended having no less than 120 parking spaces as a starting point for existing businesses. Lengthy discussion followed on existing and future parking needs for the area existing, shared parking options, parking garage solutions, stormwater swales, greenspace, and potential redevelopment of A properties. After discussion, Mayor Anderson asked Mr. Stephenson to provide reports for parking generation at Plant Street Market and East End Market, weekdays and weekends to understand and determine intensity and parking needs.

Additional discussion was held and Mayor Anderson summarized discussion as follows:

• Consensus to maintain the existing parking need, but no consensus on what the number would be.

• No consensus around the city’s duty to meet additional needs of the A


• No consensus around the range of activation to be considered. (Staff to report on activation of Plant Street Market and East End Market and suggest what the right parking requirements would be for that type of program.)

• Staff will conduct research to help the Commission understand what the maximum what size building should be and the parking implication that it would imply.

Mayor Anderson presented and reviewed a spreadsheet with technical requirements and allowances that he feels should be examined during draft of the RFP including calculations for various uses, square footage for first and second floor uses, peak parking needs, city/shared facilities, existing parking needs and combined parking requirement and discussion followed.

4) Adjournment

Meeting adjourned at 2:09 p.m.

Posted to on November 17, 2021.

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