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City Commission Work Session Minutes - July 15, 2021


Mayor Phil Anderson

Commissioner Marty Sullivan Commissioner Sheila DeCiccio

Commissioner Carolyn Cooper

Commissioner Todd Weaver

City Manager Randy Knight

Asst. City Manager Michelle Neuner

City Attorney Dan Langley

City Clerk Rene Cranis

Also Present

Planning and Transportation Director Bronce Stephenson

Planner Allison McGillis

Transportation Manager Sarah Walter

1) Call to Order Commissioner Cooper called the meeting to order at 1:10 p.m.

2) Discussion Item(s) a. Mobility/Impact Fee Discussion Mr. Stephenson gave a presentation on mobility and transportation fees outlining the process and decisions that will need to be made by the Commission to move forward. He responded to questions regarding fee calculation, differences between mobility and impact fees, pros and cons of each fee type (city wide vs. OAO specific), and allowed use of fees. He explained that Kimley-Horn would write the scope of work which will be reviewed by city procurement division and the city attorney.

At the suggestion of Mayor Anderson to create a sub-committee to review the scope of work, Commissioners Cooper and Sullivan agreed to serve. Mayor Anderson stated he would like to have a representative from each advisory board on the subcommittee with Commissioners Cooper and Sullivan. Commissioner Cooper supported review by the Transportation Advisory Board.

Commissioner Cooper asked how the city would apply the fee to large developments that submit applications under the OAO, before the mobility fee is implemented. Mr. Langley advised that the fees cannot be imposed on projects already in the application/approval process. He noted a provision in the statute for impact fees that requires a 90-day period after the first public advertisement, before the that the ordinance can go into effect and discussion followed.

b. Property Rights Discussion Mr. Stephenson advised that there is new Property Rights legislation that will affect the adoption of the OAO and other ordinances. Mr. Langley advised that the comp plan must include a Private Property Rights element and that the DEO will not accept or process any Comp Plan amendments, including adoption of the OAO, until the element is adopted. He stated that an ordinance has been drafted using the language recommended by the legislature and should be processed as quickly as possible to avoid delays in adoption of the OAO. Discussion followed on the timeline for adoption as it relates to the OAO.

c. Public Notice Mayor Anderson referenced Page 2 of the city-wide notice mailer and stated the information may be too complex to understand and may need to be revised.

Mr. Stephenson suggested placing a QR code in the notice for public to directly access the information and presented language that could be added to the mailer.

After discussion on the content, the following was agreed to by consensus: • Delete the “Existing” Column. • Leave Current Gross Square Footage.(clarifying that it is the existing building square footage.) • Change building height by adding building height after number of stories.

Mr. Stephenson asked the Commission if they were comfortable with the adoption timeline. Mayor Anderson asked Mr. Langley what the process would be if the public hearing dates had to be changed. Mr. Langley explained that first reading could be held and the Commission could continue to a time certain; however, if the city does not continue to a time certain, the city would need to re-advertise giving the required 30- day city-wide notice. Mayor Anderson asked to place discussion of the OAO process on the September 8th commission agenda.

Discussion of ProgressPoint Commissioner Cooper presented a slide showing building size of properties on Orange Avenue and discussed the comparison of existing buildings to potential buildings on the Progress Point site. She feels first building next to the park needs to be setback from Orange Avenue for a better entrance to the park and multiple buildings at 4600 square foot each are compatible for the site. She stated that she would like to understand from the existing businesses in the corridor how the introduction of retail on the site would impact their businesses. Commissioner DeCiccio said that business owners voiced no objection in OAO committee meetings and no objections to Mr. Stephenson when asked. Commissioner Cooper reviewed parking needs of area businesses. Discussion followed and consensus was to change the Comp Plan FAR from 25% to 20%.

In-depth discussion followed on development of the site including stormwater management, size and design of building(s) facing the park (overhang of buildings for covered outdoor dining), parking needs and connectivity.

Meeting adjourned at 4:11 p.m.

Posted to on August 12, 2021.

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