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City Commission Work Session Minutes - July 7, 2021

Present Commissioner Sheila DeCiccio

Commissioner Todd Weaver

Assistant City Manager Michelle Neuner

Deputy City Clerk Kim Breland

Also Present

Bronce Stephenson, Director of Planning and Transportation

Sarah Walter, Transportation Manager

David Zusi, Director of Water and Wastewater

Jason Seeley, Director of Parks and Recreation

Troy Attaway, Director of Public Works

Kyle Dudgeon, Assistant Division Director of CRA and Economic Development

Forrest Michael, Natural Park & Orange Marketplace Group

Peter Gottfried, Natural Park &Orange Marketplace Group(Virtual) Ray Waugh, LandDesign

Larry Adams, ACi

1) Call to Order Commissioner Weaver called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.

2) Discussion Item(s) a. Progress Point Park Sub-Committee Mr. Gottfried, Winter Park resident, presented a plan developed with Mr. Michael that they feel is a compromise that addresses the needs of businesses, parking, park space and stormwater improvements and is in line with Vision Plan.

Mr. Michael provided his experience in Winter Park, state-wide and nationally. He reviewed the project timeline if the commission determines to move forward on their concept for a Park and Café Market. He requested commission authorization for his firm to pursue grant opportunities, designPalmetto as a park drive, layout the parking lots. He reviewed proposed park components including a trail loop, trees and landscaping, stormwater creek and café market. He spoke on parking availability and needs and discussion followed on parking needs, cost and design.

Commission Weaver spoke in opposition to the large building and the need for stormwater treatment which can be very expensive to construct and maintain. He spoke on the parking needs and said he feels that there will not be sufficient revenue for private investor to support parking garage.

Commissioner DeCicciosaid she feels the building could actually be two buildings. She spoke on the pedestrian traffic from Rollins and the surrounding area. She suggested that a two-level parking garage may be more feasible than surface parking as it would allow more surface green space. Discussion on parking needs and solutions followed.

Mr. Waugh gave a presentation on the elements of LandDesign’s proposal, particularly the plans to resolve stormwater issues and treatment, retention and detention. Mr. Attaway spoke on flooding and drainage issues on Orange Avenue and area parking lots. Mr. Waugh continued his presentation reviewing drainage, flow and capacity followed by discussion on stormwater and drainage issues and improvements.

Mrs. Neunersaid that discussion is needed on the RFP; however, she urged caution in discussions that may ultimately affect anyone’s ability to submit for the RFP if they are involved in the drafting of the RFP. Mr. Stephenson summarized staff’s work on the elements of the development of Progress Point such as the realignment of Palmetto Avenue and parking and discussion was held on parking needs with activation of the park and potential new businesses.

Mr. Stephenson spoke about the structure of the RFP. Commissioner Weaver said he is opposed to a 40,000 square foot building and feels it is unreasonable to ask a private investor to fund a parking garage.

Commissioner DeCiccio supported issuing the RFP based on the Commission’s approved parameters and give developers the flexibility in their design. Discussion was held on the RFP parameters, goals of development and parking.

Commissioner Weaver presented an option for a 30,0000 square foot parking lot and 7,000 square foot lot for the building and discussion followed on his and Mr. Michael’s plan.

Responding to questions, Mr. Seeley said he needs to review detailed park plans in order to create a maintenance plan and budget and explained phasing of construction. Discussion ensued on phasing and then project elements, costs and budget.

Mrs. Neuner summarized the discussion by dividing the project into three zones, the park, the RFP and parking zone with recommendation to move forward with the park design including realignment of Palmetto, connector and bike path. In regards to the RFP, she asked Mr. Dudgeon for his perspective from an economic standpoint.

Mr. Dudgeon addressed developer investment, their ability to maximize their return on investment and the opportunity to create a unique project and partnerships. He stressed the importance of clearly stating the city’s goals for development in the RFP.

Mr. Gottfried said that he feels that this should be open space only, not mixed use, and that developers will not respond positively to the RFP.

Scott Webber, ACi Architects, commented on parking area size and capacity and

recommended an engineer’s drawing to determine parking capacity.

Commissioner DeCiccio said she would like to see the costs from staff to determine whether funding is sufficient. Discussion followed on funding sources including ARPA and CRA funding and the city ‘s budget.

Mr. Michaelasked what is included in the RFP and said the Commission needs to have a clear vision of the project before issuing the RFP and should consider separate RFPs for design and construction. It was noted that the conceptual design of the park has commission support.

After additional discussion, it was agreed to place on the next Commission agenda recommendation to move forward with the realignment of PalmettoAvenue and design and construction of the park space as presented by ACi and LandDesign.

A work session to discuss the RFP was scheduled for August 4th from 10:00 a.m. to noon.

3) Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 3:35 p.m.

Posted to on August 12, 2021.

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