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City Commission Work Session Minutes - June 30, 2021

Present Commissioner Sheila DeCiccio

Commissioner Todd Weaver

City Manager Randy Knight

Deputy City Clerk Kim Breland

Also Present

Bronce Stephenson, Director of Planning and Transportation

Allison McGillis, Planner

Sarah Walter, Transportation Manager

Jason Seeley, Director of Parks and Recreation

Troy Attaway, Director of Public Works

David Zusi, Director of Water and Wastewater

Justin Isler, ElectricUtility Operations Supervisor

Kyle Dudgeon, Assistant Division Director of CRA and Economic Development

1) Call to Order Commissioner Weaver called the meeting to order at 1:33 p.m.

2) Discussion Item(s) a. Progress Point Park Sub-Committee Commissioner Weaver provided a list of discussion items for the meeting including the proposed park (triangle), undergrounding of utilities at PalmettoAvenue, stormwater treatment and retention, parking, restrooms and building configuration.

Mr. Stephenson stated that staff had received the Geotech report just prior to the start of the work session and provided a brief overview of the report including areas of asbestos contamination, treatment, locations where buildings can be built and stormwater treatment. He will provide a copy of the report to the Commission with Staff’s comments.

Discussion followed on the realignment of Palmetto Avenue. Mr. Attaway stated that, based on a sketch provided by ACi, the estimated cost is approximately $300,000 for the roadwork and stormwater relocation. Mr. Zusi added that an additional $50,000 should be included for water and sewer treatment. Mr. Stephenson stated that he had not received a cost estimate from electric utility, but did not anticipate there to be an egregious cost. Mr. Zusi discussed a potential solution to provide waste water collection for the proposed buildings on the site. Discussion followed on relocating other utilities (TECO, Century Link, etc.) in the city right of way, adding extra conduit under the relocated area, bike path location, bump out tree wells, striped parking along Palmetto and traffic calming measures.

Commissioner DeCiccio asked when the realignment can be started. Mr. Attaway stated that construction plans are needed first. Mr. Stephenson noted that construction plans were not part of the original design scope from LandDesign. Discussion was held on what criteria what would be included in the construction plans scope and park design.

Mr. Seeley stated that if the Commission is comfortable with the schematic of the parkland from ACi, he suggested moving forward with LandDesign for the project and then discuss the total cost. Mr. Knight added that part of the charge of the subcommittee was to evaluate whether the scope fits into the allocated budget or to present a new budget to be approved. Discussion was held on the funding and criteria for the park portion of the project. Commissioner Weaver stated that that the following items need to be put in place: engineering plan, irrigation system, grading of site and planting of trees. Commissioner DeCiccio agreed. Staff will discuss creation of the engineering scope with LandDesign.

Commissioner Weaver moved the discussion to stormwater management, retention and treatment. Commissioner DeCiccio stated that she feels the City we should fix drainage problem for that area. Discussion followed on stormwater management, retention and treatment for the area, fountain features for the park, open stormwater treatment options for the site above or below ground, St. John’s Water Management requirements, maintenance and cost.

Lengthy discussion was held on building size/square footage, types of uses for the site, parking needs for existing businesses, financial viability, parking garage vs. surface parking and criteria for developing an RFP for the site. Mr. Stephenson stated that the guide on how to create an RFP that was part of the ACi scope of services, would be available by the end of the week and believes the guide would help to answer the Commission’s questions.

Commissioner DeCiccionoted that consensus was to recommend moving forward with engineering plans and construction. Mr. Knight added that before the consultant can move forward with the design the parking component would need to be determined. Discussion followed on criteria for the design including preparing pads for future buildings and parking garage, relocation of utilities realignment of Palmetto, irrigation and landscape plan and park design.

In response to questions by Mr. Seeley, consensus was to have one small fountain feature similar to the fountain in Central Park and to have Forest Michael present his conceptual plan for the park in the next sub-committee meeting.

Staff will provide the RFP guide to the Commission for review. Mr. Knight advised that before the RFP goes out, the maximum building square footage should be determined.

The next Commission sub-committee work session will be held Wednesday, July 7, 2021 at 1:30 p.m.

3) Adjournment

Meeting adjourned at 2:54 p.m.

Posted to on August 12, 2021.

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