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City Commission Work Session Minutes - November 19, 2020


Vice Mayor Carolyn Cooper

Commissioner Marty Sullivan Commissioner Sheila DeCiccio

Commissioner Todd Weaver

City Manager Randy Knight

City Clerk Rene Cranis

Also Present

Director of Planning and Transportation Bronce Stephenson

Planner Allison McGillis

Transportation Manager Sarah Walter

1) Call to Order Vice Mayor Cooper called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. 2) Discussion Item(s) OAO Parking Vice Mayor Cooper stated the focus of this meeting will be on parking. She gave a presentation beginning with the history of the parking code changes, the OAO Steering Committee Report regarding pre-existing parking deficiencies and a parking study by Base Consultants in 2013.

Vice Mayor Cooper addressed the OAO District parking survey and showed maps indicating the respondent's parking needs. Commissioner Weaver questioned whether consideration has been given to making Capen and Holt one-way to add more on-street parking. After discussion, staff advised they will study the feasibility of closing or making Capen one way.

Discussion continued on the parking survey results, parking needs and opportunities for property and business owners including parking within railroad right-of-way (staff to research), at Progress Point and incentives for building a parking garage for shared or leased parking. Mr. Stephenson stated it would more feasible to build a garage than surface parking but stressed the need to secure leases in advance due to the cost and funding.

Commissioner Weaver spoke in opposition of a parking garage at Progress Point. Commissioner DeCiccio said she would prefer starting with surface parking but feels that surface parking will not meet long-term needs. Commissioner Sullivan said that if a parking structure should be built sooner than later if it is determined one is needed Vice-Mayor Cooper supported the parking structure and asked that staff pursue public/ private partnerships and funding options. Mr. Stephenson stated that Bill Finfrock, whose company builds parking garages, is available to speak to the Commission regarding costs.

Mr. Knight stated he will provide a list of funding options that may include assessments, user fees, or use of reserve funding, but costs are needed first. Consensus was to invite Mr. Finfrock to a work session.

The following topics were discussed. • Off-street parking requirements for different businesses/uses. Consensus was to retain current parking requirements for hotels and for staff to review multi-family parking requirements. • Off street parking design with the goal to decrease the visibility of parking by having parking behind the building. Approved by consensus. • Parallel Orange Avenue access - already deleted. • Exchange of property for easements – requires equal swap. • Off-street parking – No consensus on distance from building to required parking. • Bicycle parking requirements – Mr. Stephenson explained that the existing buildings will not be required to provide bike parking but with increased cycling in the area, bike parking will be needed.

Vice Mayor Cooper declared a recess at 2: 45 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 3:00 p.m.

Discussion continued on the following topics. • Parking exclusion shall apply to existing square footage or floor space. • Floor Area Ratio for parking structures – proposed to be excluded from FAR calculation. • Estimated entitlements based on maximumFAR. Vice MayorCooper reviewed a graph which shows that a parking garage will increase mass by at least 50%. • Shared parking requires some parking spaces to be shared through leases to other properties, spaces open to the general public, collectives, and electric charging stations.

• Subarea A and B properties shall get priority for leasable parking garage. Consensus was to remove SubareaB from this provision.

• Parking structures must meet design standards.

• Parking structures on the north side of Fairbanks shall not be allowed.

• Parking structures west of Orlando Avenue shall not be exempt from FAR for structures greater than two levels.Discussion was held on the whether to exclude the open-air top level, ground level or subterranean levels from the definition of FAR.

• Roads discussed for abandonment - Palmetto, Vivian,Harmon, Holt, Capen with on-street parking continuing on Palmetto and on Harmon where realigned and where parking currently exists.

In response to Commissioner Cooper, Mr. Stephenson stated that he has made changes based on consensus reached during work sessions; however, what is needed is what Progress Point can provide to the benefit of the surrounding area.

Vice Mayor Cooper asked that additional thought be given to the FAR and whether the Orchard Supply,TDT Bank and Commerce NationalBank properties should be included, individually and collectively, in the OAO. The definition of FAR is needed as it relates to which parking structure levels should be included in the FAR calculation.

Mr. Stephenson said he will in invite Mr. Jeff Blydenburgh and Mr. Bill Finfrock to the next work session December 10th at 1:00 p.m.

The meeting adjourned at 4:12 p.m.

Posted to on January 13, 2020.

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