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City Commission Work Session Minutes - September 24, 2020 at 1 p.m.

Updated: Nov 18, 2020


Vice Mayor Cooper Commissioner Sullivan Commissioner DeCiccio

Commissioner Weaver Also present: Bronce Stephenson, Director of Planning and Transportation

Allison McGillis, Planner

Sarah Walter, Transportation Planner

Vice Mayor Cooper called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. and introduced those in attendance.

2) OAO Discussion

a. Updated Transportation Analysis - Kimley Horn Mike Woodward, Kimley Horn, gave a presentation on the traffic analysis for the OAO. He reported on trip generation data from Metropolitan Planning Organization that shows the majority of traffic is not stopping within the Orange Avenue corridor. He reviewed the data and parameters used in the analysis.

Mr. Stephenson and Mr. Woodward responded to questions regarding development scenarios, square footage and FAR.

Mr. Woodward continued his presentation on the trip generation data and analysis and provided historic and future trends of traffic volume on roads in and surrounding the OAO at different FARs. He said he feels the redevelopment on Orange Avenue will force traffic originating in other cities to find an alternate route. He reviewed potential neighborhood impacts and recommendations to monitor traffic volumes and implement traffic calming measures such as narrowing roads, adding traffic circles and brick pavers or raising mid-block crosswalks. The next meeting discussion will be on funding options, streets integration, alignment of Palmetto and summary of other changes in the area. He responded to questions regarding alternate routes and traffic impact and discussion followed on traffic flow, impact and potential and current improvements on area roads.

Concerns were expressed that the improvements must be for the benefits of city residents more so than those traveling from outside the city and options to alleviate the impact to city residents were discussed.

Vice Mayor Cooper suggested a review of design standards that may help in moving forward with the OAO. She asked if additional modeling on improvements to the four intersections and the two roundabouts has been completed. Mr. Woodward replied they have looked at different scale for these intersections. Mr. Stephenson stated he will share the report following the work session.

Mr. Woodward left the meeting. Mr. Stephenson responded to additional questions and discussion followed on the traffic data and analysis.

Mr. Stephenson gave a presentation on the setback/stepback standards showing parking, sidewalk and setbacks and responded to questions clarifying that the property line is measured from the edge of right-of-way and could define the build-to line. Under the new regulations, the building line is 10 feet back from the property line and setback determines the height at that setback. He added that the requirements are different on Orange Avenue. The new guidelines require a five-foot planting strip on Orange Avenue.

He explained the intent for an improved pedestrian experience.

Members of the Commission disclosed their upcoming meetings with Michelle Heatherly and Mary Demetree on their potential plans.

Mr. Stephenson showed a representation of cross section of a streetscape and advised the commission of the ability to access this program to create their own streetscape.

The meeting adjourned at 3:20 p.m.

Posted to on November 17, 2020.



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Robb Lauzon, Project Director

UCF Nicholson School of Communication and Media

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