April 13, 2022, at 3:30 p.m.
Present Mayor Phil Anderson, Commissioners Marty Sullivan, Sheila DeCiccio, Kris Cruzada and Todd Weaver, City Manager Randy Knight, City AttorneyKurt Ardaman, City Clerk Rene Cranis
1) Meeting Called to Order
Mayor Anderson called the meeting to order at 3:31 p.m.
2) Invocation
Rabbi Tzviky Dubov, Chabad of Greater Orlando, gave the invocation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
3) Approval of Agenda Motion made by Commissioner Sullivan to approve the agenda; seconded by Commissioner Cruzada. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.
4) Mayor Report a. Presentation of Proclamation in celebration of Earth Month Mayor Anderson thanked staff for their work and read the proclamation. Gloria Eby, Director of Natural Resources and Sustainability, thanked the Commission for the proclamation. Sarah Miller, Sustainability Manager and Joey Cordell, Lakes Manager, expressed their pleasure in working with for city.
5) City Manager Report a. Meet Your Department: Electric Utility Dan D'Alessandro, Director of Electric Utility, gave a presentation on the department and a comparison of other electric utilities’ outage rates, customer rates and Hurricane Irma outage restoration. He spoke about renewable energy and noted that residential service drops have begun.
b. Confirmation of Jeff Briggs as Director of Planning and Transportation Motion made by Commissioner Weaver to approve the employment contract for Director of Planning and Transportation and Independent Contractor Agreement; seconded by Commissioner Cruzada. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.
c. City Manager's Report Mr. Knight reported that crews are removing the buildings on Fairbanks Avenue. Mr. Knight asked for approval to demolish the structure on Selkirk Drive and list with a realtor. Motion made by Mayor Anderson to approve the request; seconded by Commissioner DeCiccio. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.
6) City Attorney Report Mayor Anderson thanked City Attorney Dan Langley for his work on the Administrative Hearing on the OAO. Attorney Ardaman said he expects the decision in six weeks.
7) Non-Action Items a. Annual Comprehensive Financial Report Wes Hamil, Director of Finance, presented the report for FY 21. He noted changes in revenues from FY 20, Police and Fire Pension, water and sewer fund and electric services fund. He reviewed the factors contributing to general fund savings increasing the general fund balance to 30%.
Joel Knopp, MSL, city auditor, gave a presentation on their and the city’s responsibilities and compliance. He stated that the report showed no adverse compliance findings and showed a clean independent auditor and accountant's report.
Motion made by Mayor Anderson to accept the report; seconded by Commissioner DeCiccio. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.
b. Report of board appointments
Commissioner Cruzada appointed Sid Cash, Jr. to the Winter Pines Golf Course Advisory Board. Commissioner Sullivan appointed Michael Dively to the Transportation Advisory Board and David Webster to the Winter Pines Golf Course Advisory Board.
Commissioner Weaverappointed Justin Ingram to the Winter PinesGolf Course Advisory Board.
8) Public Comments| 5 p.m. or soon thereafter (heard after Item 10a)
9) Consent Agenda a. Approve the minutesof the Regular Meeting, March 23, 2022 b. Approve the minutesof the Special Meeting, March 30, 2022 c. Approve the minutesof the Work Session, March 30, 2022 d. Approve six- month extension of pay differential for Edison Camacho currently deployed on active military duty.
e. Approve modification to City Banner Program (removed by Commissioner Weaver)
f. Approve ARPA Funding Allocations - Central Park Stage (removed by Mayor Anderson)
g. Approve the following formal solicitations:
1. Votum Construction - RFP3-22 - Central Park Stage Enhancement Project; Amount: $695,119
2. Winter Park Distilling Company, LLC dba The Bear and Peacock Brewery - RFP11-22 - Concession Management Services for Winter Pines Golf Course; Amount: Contractor to pay 2% of gross sales triggering 3% at $600,000 in revenue in addition to the $5,000 per month base rent.
3. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. - RFQ7-22- Transportation Planning and Engineering Services
4. Kisinger Campo and Associates - RFQ7-22 - Transportation Planning and Engineering Services
5. Patel, Greene and Associates, Inc. - RFQ7-22 - Transportation Planning and Engineering Services
h. Approve the following contracts:
1. AGH Management LLC - IFB12-17 - Athletic Field Maintenance for MLK Fields; For services rendered for the remainder of the current term of the contract through 9/1/2022; Amount: $28,000
2. Tri-State Utility Products, Inc. - IFB28-21- Purchase of 15kV Pad Mounted Switches and 3-Phase Padmount Transformers; Amount: $300,000
3. Wesco-Anixter - IFB28-21 - Purchase of 15kV Pad Mounted Switches and 3-
Phase Padmount Transformers; Amount: $600,000
i. Approve the following piggyback contracts:
1. Pace Concrete, Inc. - City of Eustis Contract #007-15 -Concrete Sidewalk, Curb & Gutter; For services on an as-needed basis during the term of the Agreement, contract term through December 3, 2022; Amount: $300,000
2. Flowers Chemical Laboratories - City of Naples Contract #RFP 18-026 - Lab Testing Services; For services on an as-needed basis during the term of the Agreement, contract term through April 1, 2023; Amount: $120,000
Mayor Anderson removed Item f and Commissioner Weaver removed Item e for discussion.
Motion made by Mayor Anderson to approve the Consent Agenda except e and f; seconded by Commissioner Weaver. There were no public comments. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.
Item e: Commissioner Weaver asked how long the banners will be displayed. Assistant Division Director Kyle Dudgeon replied one month.
Motion made by Commissioner Weaver to approve Item 9e; seconded by Mayor Anderson. There were no public comments. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.
Item f: Mayor Anderson suggested that staff contact a couple of the routine performers to ensure that the stage is designed and equipped to provide for maximum performance.
Motion made by Mayor Anderson to approve Item f; seconded by Commissioner Sullivan. There were no public comments. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.
10) Action Items Requiring Discussion a. 2023 State of the City Address Mr. Knight presented staff 's recommendation for city sponsored event on February 17, 2023 at 10:00 a.m.
Commissioner Sullivan suggested not setting the date or time in stone and at a time earlier than 10 a.m. if it is done on a weekday. Discussion followed on a suitable time, coordination with the Chamber of Commerce’s event, and need to reserve the Event Center.
Motion made by Mayor Anderson to schedule the 2023 State of the City Address on February 17, 2023 and reserve the Events Center from 8 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. for flexibility in scheduling the time; seconded by Commissioner Weaver. There were no public comments. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.
b. Old Library Building RFP Review Peter Moore, Division Director of OMB, provided the history on reuse of the old Library. Staff is looking for guidance and depending on the guidance, will release the RFP in the next week.
Commissioner DeCiccio suggested removing the provision on food courts due to parking requirements and adverse impact from traffic in the area.
Mr. Moore reviewed the language and said the RFP includes language placing the onus on the proposer to meet parking requirements. He suggested adding concerns about the parking impact of food courts.
Commissioner Sullivan said he understands Commissioner DeCiccio’s concerns; however, parking restrictions are clearly stated and supported allowing food courts provided parking requirements are met.
Mr. Moore responded to questions clarifying that the RFP is a request for a single proposal, which could be a partnership, for re-use of the entire property and that the city would not manage the tenants/lease. He explained that RFP information is available on the city’s website showing who has requested and responded to the RFP. He said he does not anticipate that proposers would have full tenancy at the time of submittal and would refer anyone interested in becoming a tenant in the building to the successful proposer. Mr. Moore explained that the RFP will be due within 45 days of release and staff will provide building tours. Mr. Knight added that this will be brought back to the commission for next steps if no responses are received.
Commissioner Sullivan addressed the financial considerations and cost neutrality paragraph which states that the overall goal is that proposals not rely on continued city subsidy. He could foresee that a reasonable amount of up-front subsidy might result in a good return on the desired outcome. He said the city is not ruling out an initial investment and should depend on the future financial return and benefit to the citizens.
Mr. Moore said the financial neutrality was simply a statement that the city is asking the proposer to pay to use this building which makes it a financial benefit. Capital repairs offered as part of the proposal will be considered in addition to the amount offered and the length of the lease.
Commissioner Sullivan asked if there is way to soften the financial consideration and cost neutrality statement so there might be an advantage to the city and the residents if the city invested more up front for some of the improvements. Mr. Moore suggested adding language that the city would consider additional financial contribution depending the proposals and work plans negotiated.
Mayor Anderson suggested clarifying that the proposals should not rely on an operating budget subsidy. Commissioner Sullivan suggested similar language stating the proposer will not have continued operation and maintenance subsidy.
Commissioner Cruzadaasked for the term of contract. Mr. Moore said it would have to be at least 10 years due to the capital investment needed.
Commissioner Weaver disclosed that he spoke with a potential proposer and toured the Library.
Discussion returned to parking, tree canopy (including the importance of saving “the live oak”) and traffic impact of food court Mr. Moore the onus is on proposer to ensure parking requirements are met and the city could require that the plans show the impact to the tree canopy. He added that the parking limitations will not be impacted solely by food service; it depends on tenants. Mr. Moore suggested adding language expressing the city’s concerns about the food “court” concept and that food service should be ancillary.
Mayor Anderson summarized the intent to stress that food service is ancillary and that parking is the real constraint for all uses within the building. Mr. Moore suggested language that reads “ancillary, smaller dining and restaurant concepts and limited café or boutique food service” which would prevent food courts.
Motion made by Mayor Anderson to move forward with the RFP along the discussion lines and delegate to staff to come up with the final language; seconded by Commissioner Weaver. There were no public comments. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.
8) Public Comments| 5 p.m. or soon thereafter
There were no public comments.
A recess was held from 5:00 to 5:13 p.m.
10) Action Items Requiring Discussion (continued) c. Discussion Citizen Advisory Boards Mayor Anderson addressed the Summary of Citizen Board Discussion provided in the agenda packetand suggested that members of the commission provide comments and changes to Mr. Knight to consolidate for the next meeting.
Motion made by Mayor Anderson to table this discussion to the next meeting to April 27th; seconded by Commissioner DeCiccio. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.
d. Hybrid Board Meetings Mr. Knight referred to staff’s cost analysis for equipping additional meeting rooms for hybrid meetings and staff’s previous recommendation to return to in-person only meetings for those boards with minimal attendance. A less high-tech approach such as Zoom meetings would allow public attendance but would reduce the impact to IT staff. He noted that all meetings are recorded and posted to the website.
Mayor Anderson recapped the analysis of the capital investment to equip other meeting locations. He said he and Mr. Knight discussed continuing commission and Planning and Zoning Board meetings in the Chambers and have other boards live-streamed with a phone-in capability for public input or lower-tech Zoom meeting.
Commissioner Sullivan supported broadcasting the meetings without virtual public input which is complicated. He believes that the public input should be in-person with the exception of Commission and Planning and Zoning Board meetings. When possible, all meetings should be held in the Chambers.
Commissioner DeCiccio favored live broadcast of all board meetings with the ability for the public to call in and an additional IT staff member using ARPA funds.
Parsram Rajaram, Director of IT, said higher quality is needed for live broadcast and audio recordings and rooms must be equipped with microphones for quality audio. He spoke about the challenges in delivering a clear visual or audio result. Staff can be trained to manage the meetings but some issues may arise during meetings that may require IT support. He showed a visual representation of meeting duration and virtual attendance in advisory board meetings over the past six months.
Commissioner Cruzada expressed his concern about the cost to equip meeting rooms and supported hybrid advisory board meetings and in-person quasi-judicial board meetings.
Mayor Anderson said applicants in quasi-judicial matters should participate in person.
Attorney Ardaman suggested that all public input for quasi-judicial boards be in person to protect the process.
Commissioner Sullivan said the public should be present in-person at all board meetings except commission meetings.
Commissioner DeCiccio disagreed and said virtual comments should be allowed in all meetings.
Commissioner Weaver commented on the potential overlap of meetings and supported the community center as the second location as well as an additional IT staff member.
Commissioner Cruzada questioned the possibility of different standards for different boards.
Mayor Anderson supported different standards for different categories of boards – Commission, P&Z, quasi and non-quasi-judicial boards, at least one other venue and the least staff intensive option for non-quasi boards, and potentially equip a third venue for high quality audio and/or for Zoom meetings.
After discussion, consensus was the that staff report back with costs to equip one location for audio/visual broadcast and one with audio broadcast only (if needed) and for an additional IT staff member.
11) Public Hearings a. Requests of Winter Park Town Center Ltd. (Winter Park Village). • Conditional Use approval to construct a central architectural tower at a height of 63 feet, which requires a variance of 8 feet above the 55 feet (Regal Cinemas at Winter Park Village). • Conditional Use approval for the installation of three electronic signs on the front façade of Regal Cinemas which require variances for oversized wall signs and for sign type not permitted.
Jeff Briggs, Director of Planning and Transportation, provided the background of redevelopment of the Winter Park Village and current renovation of the property. He reviewed the request for additional height for a tower at front of Regal Cinema showing drawings and images of the visual impact of the tower to the surrounding areas and roads.
The second CU request is for electronic signs on the front of Regal Cinema. He explained that city code prohibits these types of signs due to impact from public road; however, given the location of the signs from public road, signage in this instance is allowed where it would not be allowed in other instances. To address concerns about distraction of drivers within the WP Village, the applicant's traffic engineer has certified that it will not create a traffic safety issue. He showed visuals of screens and illumination of the tower and visibility from Orlando Avenue. The P&Z Board recommended approval subject to conditions offered by the applicant: 1) that there be no offsite advertising displayed on the electronic screens, 2) lighting must only be on during theater business hours, 3) the electronic screens should have no sound; and 4) movie trailers only are allowed to be shown on the electronic screens.
Commissioner Sullivan asked for the difference between current height of the building and the proposed tower.
Commissioner Cruzada expressed his concern about the size of the screen and brightness and suggested looking at alternatives for reducing the size.
Mayor Anderson asked for more information on the illumination of the tower and its impact to the area.
Commissioner Weaver supported the tower with the illumination directed to the front of the theater. He expressed his concern about the illumination’s impact to the apartments in the village, particularly if they are permitted to stay on until the last movie has ended, He disagreed with the applicant’s engineer’s opinion explaining that the reflective lighting from the signs will affect the safety of pedestrians and bicyclists.
Becky Wilson, 215 N. Eola Drive, attorney representing the applicant, stated this is part of the overall larger renovation to the Village. Brett Hutchens, Casto, owner/developer, gave a presentation on the proposed redevelopment and tenants. Regal Cinema designed the horizontal screen because it better depicts the movie trailers but feels they may consider reducing the size. He said the tower does not project light, but glows. He explained the traffic engineer’s opinion that the illumination will not be in the direct line of sight of drivers.
Commissioner Weaver clarified his concern is due to the reflected and refracted light from the screen. Mayor Anderson clarified his concern that while the tower illumination with changing colors is exciting and energetic, he questioned what citizens expect to see in Winter Park and the impact to nearby residential areas.
Ms. Wilson said the tower is intended to be more of a piece of art than a tower or spire. She explained the plans for redevelopment of the facade of the theater and showed images of the tower from different vantage points. She provided the dimensions of the screens and showed renderings of the redesign of areas surrounding the theater. She agreed with 4 conditions of approval.
In depth discussion was held on the visibility of the tower from Denning Avenue, illumination, the impact of the illumination to the area neighborhoods and alternatives for lighting. Ms. Wilson provided design details of the tower and clarified that the light is internal, one color at time and will not change color except for possibly on a seasonal basis and that the height is 63 feet to the top, of which 10 feet is the roof and not illuminated. The side facing Denning Drive is a solid panel so light will not be seen from Denning Drive.
Commissioner DeCiccio supported the tower based on that clarification. She said the screens can’t be seen from the surrounding public roads and noted that the interior roads are private and are not the city’s responsibility but she would like a hold harmless agreement. She feels traffic will move slowly and feels the screens will not be a distraction to drivers any more than the restaurant and store lighting.
Ms. Wilson said that they have not yet agreed to a hold harmless agreement but are open to discussing it.
Commissioner Weaver compared the screens to billboards, which the city is trying to eliminate. He gave a demonstration showing the impact of reflective lighting which he feels will be a big distraction. He said that because some movies start late in the evening, screens could remain on until or after midnight.
Ms. Wilson said that this not a billboard and will only show movie trailer and is not visible from any rights-of-ways. She said she is open to discuss the hours the screens can be on.
Mayor Anderson with the clarification on the tower, he could support it with assurance that the north, east and south faces of the tower do not impact the neighborhoods. He said he could not support the large screens and suggested two smaller screens.
Mary Black,1334 Dallas Avenue, expressed her concern about the tower and illumination which she feels will be seen from her neighborhood. She has no problems with the smaller screens asked that the commission not set precedent for allowing lighted billboards and illuminated towers.
Carol Rosenfelt, 1542 Lookout Landing Circle, said she appreciates investment into renovations but the signage is out of character with Winter Park.
Beth Hall, 516 Sylvan Drive, said she the screens do not belong in Winter Park and are not necessary if they cannot be seen off-site. She opposed the height of the tower.
Mayor Anderson said he is open to considering a smaller screen and would like alternatives before making decision and a better rendering of the tower. He suggested tabling this to the next meeting.
Mr. Hutchens advised that they plan turn the screen off once the last movie begins, will discuss reducing the size of the screen with Regal and consider a hold harmless agreement. He noted that there is ambient light on the property and illumination will not have the same effect as demonstrated.
Commissioner Sullivan asked that the applicant consider redesign of the tower so there is no illumination visible from the south, east and west.
Motion made by Mayor Anderson to table to April 27, 2022; seconded by Commissioner Weaver. Upon a roll call vote, Commissioners Sullivan, DeCiccio, Cruzada and Weaver voted yes. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.
A recess was held from 7:23 to 7:33 p.m.
b. Requests of CreativeNeighbors LLC:
• Approval of Preliminary Concept Plan for the Planned Unit Residential District zoning and to provide subdivision plat approval to divide the east/rear 5.38 acres of 740/760 N. Lakemont Avenue to provide for 13 single-family home lots and 12 townhouses lots, common area park and retention tracts.
Attorney Ardaman read the ordinances by title.
Mr. Briggs advised that the plan includes less than 50% impervious surfaces, preserves the center park with the trees, and has a walking trail around the perimeter It has a maximum 43% FAR and a maximum residential density of five units per acre which conforms to the single-family zoning, although eight units per acre are allowed under PURD zoning.
Discussion followed on FAR and calculation of FAR under PURD zoning and the application of city code. Mayor Anderson explained the code allowing for increasing FAR and showed a drawing depicting calculation of FAR and impact of increasing the FAR from 38% to 43%.
Commissioner Sullivan said he shared with the applicant that he feels the preliminary grading plan would not work and the applicant assured him that he was going to fix it.
Commissioner Cruzada disclosed that he met with the applicant to tour the property and expressed his concern to the applicant about the 50-foot right-of-way.
Commissioner Weaver stated the best stormwater treatment is open greenspace and is concerned about drainage to the aquifer and the long-term impacts of this and similar projects where treatment meets only minimum requirements.
Mayor Anderson asked whether on-street parking would be possible if the roadway were narrowed by four feet to increase the greenspace and increase tree canopy between the r-o-w and the curb. Mr. Briggs stated that two cars could not simultaneously pass by a parked car.
Mike Halpin, applicant, said they have considered the r-o-w width and rejected the idea which is why they put additional 11 guest parking spaces. He reviewed the proposed tree plan and said that although he has no objection to reducing the roadway width, he would prefer the current width. He suggested that they could plant different species of trees in the narrow greenspace. Commissioner Weaver suggested a curved sidewalk to allow trees to be planted in the greenspace.
After discussion, Mr. Halpin spoke about greenspace said he would provide a landscape plan that would address the concerns.
Motion made by Mayor Anderson to adopt the comp plan ordinance as written and the zoning ordinance adding language that the PURD zoning will not exceed 5 units per acre; seconded by Commissioner Weaver.
There were no public comments.
Upon a roll call vote on the motion to approve comp plan, Commissioners Sullivan, DeCiccio, Cruzada and Weaver and Mayor Anderson voted yes. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.
Upon a roll call vote on the motion to approve the zoning ordinance, Commissioners Sullivan, DeCiccio, Cruzada and Weaver and Mayor Anderson voted yes. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.
c. Request of Vilasa Townhouses: Amendment to the Conditional Use Approval to add exterior rear porches onto the ten Swoope Avenue townhomes, zoned R-3.
Mr. Briggs reviewed the request to amend the CU approved in 2019 to allow for rear porches on the townhomes. In 2019, the Board of Adjustments approved a variance for setbacks; however, a second variance for building lot coverage was not advertised or addressed. As a result, an amendment to the CU is necessary. He responded to questions regarding setbacks and confirmed this applies to all ten units.
Motion made by Commissioner DeCiccio to approve the amendment; seconded by Commissioner Sullivan. There were no public comments. Upon a roll call vote, Commissioners, Sullivan, DeCiccio, Cruzada and Weaver and Mayor Anderson voted yes. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.
12) City Commission Reports
Commissioner Sullivan -
• Announced that Winter Park Paint Out sponsored by Polasek Museum is April 24-30 and Blue Bamboo's hosts a Thursday Night Hang, a free open house with open mic.
Commissioner DeCiccio-
• Displayed pictures showing different style street lights on Denning between Orange and Morse and asked that staff address to provide consistency in street lights. Mr. D’Allesandro said he would report back. Mayor Anderson asked staff to also report on standards for type of bulbs.
• Received a call from a resident objecting to the rezoning at a property on S.R. 436 by the Winter Pines Golf Course. Mr. Knight said a resolution was adopted many years ago when this property was considered for rezoning by Orange County. Consensus was to draft a resolution for consideration in the next meeting.
Commissioner DeCiccio suggested that the city check into the possibility of purchasing the property since it is adjacent to golf course. Commissioner Weaver spoke in favor of annexing the property.
Commissioner Cruzada said he was advised by Orange County staff that the applicant is considering a restaurant. No notice was given to neighborhood and the request should tabled by the Orange County Planning Board in its April meeting. He believes the neighbors would support annexation and he annexation and looking at purchasing.
• Spoke about the Transportation Manager job posting which was downgraded from the previous position. She stressed the importance of having a credentialed transportation professional engineer. Mr. Knight said he will report back.
Commissioner Cruzada - no report.
Commissioner Weaver - no report.
Mayor Anderson – • Thanked staff for their work making meetings run smoothly.
13) Summary of Meeting Actions • Approved removing the structure at the Selkirk property and listing with an agent. • Confirmed Jeff Briggs as Director of Planning and Transportation. • Approved the Consent Agenda.
• Scheduled the State of City Address for February 17, 2023 between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m.
• Approved the RFP for the Old Library with modifications to be incorporated by staff.
• Tabled the discussion of Advisory Boards. Commissioners are to send requested direction for any boards to Mr. Knight and place on the next meeting agenda.
• Staff to bring back proposal for hybrid meetings.
• Tabled Winter Park Village conditional use requests for the applicant to bring back reconsiderations for screen size and impact of the tower lighting.
• Approved land use and rezoning ordinances for Creative Neighbors.
• Approved CU amendment for Vilasa Townhouses
• Staff to look at inconsistency in street lights on Denning and Morse and light bulbs throughout the city.
• Bring back resolution opposing rezoning of the property next to Winter Pines Golf Course and look at possibility of annexation.
• Bring back report on transportation(engineer) position.
14) Adjournment
Mayor Anderson adjourned the meeting at 7:56 p.m.
View the original PDF at the City of Winter Park (
Posted to on May 24, 2022.