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Winter Park City Commission - Meeting Minutes - April 14, 2021


April 14, 2021, at 3:30 p.m.


Mayor Phil Anderson

Commissioner Marty Sullivan

Commissioner Sheila DeCiccio

Commissioner Carolyn Cooper

Commissioner Todd Weaver

City Manager Randy Knight

City Attorney Dan Langley

City Clerk Rene Cranis

1) Meeting Called to Order Mayor Anderson called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m.

2) Invocation Rabbi Tzviky Dubov, Chabad of Greater Orlando, provided the invocation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

3) Election of Vice-Mayor Motion made by Commissioner Weaver to appoint Commissioner Cooper Vice- Mayor; seconded by Mayor Anderson. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.

4) Approval of Agenda Mr. Knight advised that the Public Hearing on the proposed turf ordinance has been postponed by staff to allow for additional revisions. Approved by consensus.

5) Mayor’s Report Mayor Anderson reported on work sessions held to discuss commission priorities, the OAO and projects in light of federal funding opportunities due to COVID. The next OAO work session is April 16th and a second meeting on priorities is scheduled for April 28th. prior to next regular meeting.

6) City Manager’sReport • Killarney Neighborhood evaluation – a report on staff’s inspection of infrastructure and code issues will be provided to the Commission this week. • Band shell – design was approved and staff will provide an update on the status. • Transportation Impact/Mobility Fee – Staff received a presentation last week and will be on an upcoming Commission agenda. • Creation of Appearance Review Board for OAO - Discussed under Item 11c regarding advisory boards.

Commissioner Cooper suggested a future discussion on changes to properties in the HistoricDistrict which she feels should be reviewed by Historic Preservation Board.

7) City Attorney’s Report Attorney Langley gave an update on the lawsuit challenging the variance granted by the Historic Preservation Board for a property on Forrest Road and responded to questions.

8) Non-Action Items

9) Citizen Comments | 5 p.m. or soon thereafter (heard after Item 11a)

10) Consent Agenda a. Approve the minutes of the regular meeting of March 24, 2021. b. Approve the minutes of the work session of March 25, 2021 c. Approve the minutes of the work session of March 30, 2021 (removed by Commissioner Sullivan d. Approval of the following contracts: 1. Gerhartz & Associates, LLC - RFQ16-12 - ContinuingContract for GIS Services; Amount $150,000; 2. Associated Consulting International, Inc. - RFQ3-17A- Continuing Contract for Architectural Services; Additional $100k for term; 3. Irvine Mechanical - IFB19-19C - HVAC Installation, Repair & Replacement Services; Additional $250,000 for term; 4. Brance Diversified, Inc. - IFB7-18A - Dredging Services; Amount $100,000; (removed by Commissioner Weaver) 5. Waterfront Property Services, LLC - IFB7-18B – Dredging Services; Amount $100,000; (removed by Commissioner Weaver) 6. Ovation Construction Co., Inc. - RFQ11-18D - Repair & Construction Services (< $200k/project); Amount $2,000,000; 7. GATSO USA, Inc. - RFP13-09 - Red Light Safety Enforcement Program; Amount $334,560.

e. Approval of the following Piggyback contracts: 1. Ring Power Systems - Sourcewell 120617-CAT- CAT Diesel & Natural Gas Generator Sets; $200,000. Term through January 29, 2023; 2. Core & Main LP - City of St. Petersburg - Blanket Purchase Agreement 226457; $800,000. Term through September 30, 2022.

Commissioner Weaver pulled Items 10(d)4 and 5. Commissioner Sullivan pulled Item 10c.

Motion made by Commissioner DeCiccio to approve the Consent Agenda except 10c and 10(d)4 and 5; seconded by Commissioner Weaver. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.

Item 10c Motion made by Commissioner Sullivan to amendthe March 30th minutes at the bottom of Page 1 changing “CRA possible boundaryextension and time extension” to “possible boundary modification and time extension”; seconded by Mayor Anderson. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.

Item 10(d)4 and 5 Commissioner Weaver asked why there are two different contracts for dredging services. Troy Attaway, Director of Public Works, explained that contractors are on an on-call basis and two are needed in case one is not available to complete a project. Mr. Knight advised these are part of the city’s extension of staff contracts and are paid only if they are called in and complete a specific project.

Motion made by Commissioner Weaver to approveItems 10(d)4 and 5; seconded by Commissioner Sullivan. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.

11) Action Items RequiringDiscussion a. Discussion of parking in area of Library and Events Center/MLK Jr. Park Mr. Knight advised this is being brought back for further discussion of parking needs at the Library and Event Center.

Mr. Attaway commented on a traffic study that did not include public spaces at Lakeside Crossing, weekday availability as part Heritage Park parking agreement and assumed Harper Street on-street parking which shows a parking deficit of 16-18 spaces on afternoons and weekday evenings. That deficit has increased with the removal of Harper Street parking.

Sarah Walter,Transportation Manager, and Mr. Attaway responded to questions on peak and non-peak usage and shortage.

Commissioner Weaver explained his concerns about on-street parking, i.e. travel speed, use by adjacent businesses, periods of overflow parking, invasion of easement into the park. He suggested that the city pursue a partnership with Valencia.

Commissioner Sullivan pointed out the recommendations from the study which were discussed as well as peak and non-peak parking needs. 1. Modifying the parking lease agreement with the Heritage Park property to allow Library and Event Center employee parking during all time periods. 2. During weekdays and weekend afternoons advise Library and Event Center employees to park at the Lakeside Crossing Garage at Beachview Ave and HarperSt which provides 79 public spaces. 3. Using the MLK Jr. Park lots during peak parking activity periods. 4. Implementing valet parking with stacked parking on-site and the use of the MLK Jr. lots and Heritage Park lot for valeted vehicles. 5. Constructing a crosswalk with Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacons (RRFBs) across Morse Ave between Harper St and Denning Dr to improve pedestrian safety between the proposed development and the Heritage Park lot. 6. Ensuring the lighting in the MLK Jr. Park along pedestrian paths meet safety standards which will encourage use of the MLK Jr. Park lots. 7. Installing curb stops, gravel, and striping along the service road parking area east of the New England Ave. and Harper St. intersection and using this parking area for overflow parking to support approximately 30 vehicles. Mr. Knight advised that the city will be meeting with Valencia College to discuss the use of its parking area and possible parking garage.

Mr. Attaway explained the proposed plan to create 45 parking spaces on Comstock Avenue which has not been scheduled due to staff vacancies. He reviewed the design of the green parking area next to Lake Island Rec Center which will cost approximately $20,000.

Additional discussion was held on the options, pedestrian safety crossing and addition of RSVs. Mrs. Walter showed the design of a potential mid-block crossing with RSV and median landing space.

Consensus was to move forward with Comstock Avenue parking, use the existing parking agreements and install signage and, if necessary, increase Heritage parking spaces with a crosswalk, look further at parking west of Harper and grass parking and revisit the need for Valencia College parking later.

Kira Calvaresi, 1415 Sherbourne Street, Winter Garden, spoke in opposition to the city purchasing properties on Fairbanks Avenue and in support of Comstock Avenue parking with a cul-de-sac.

MichaelPoole, 1671 Summerland Drive, expressed his concern regarding parking and thanked the commission for looking at alternatives.

9) Citizen Comments | 5 p.m. or soon thereafter (heard after Item 11a) Harry Boggs spoke in support of Austin’s Coffee which he feels should be a city landmark and submitted a poster signed by artists performing at Austin’s.

Linda Walker expressed her concern regarding a market that takes place every Sunday and asked the city to look into the funding. Mr. Knight asked Mrs. Walker to contact him with the information and staff will research and respond.

11) Action Items Requiring Discussion (continued) b. Moving Commission meetings back to Commission Chambers Mr. Knight listed the advantages and disadvantages of moving meetings back to the Chamber. Staff is recommending returning to the Chambers on June 1st with its improved technology for virtual participation and following the CDC guidelines for social distancing. Staff will continue to participate virtually, the conference room and lobby will be available for staging, and staff will encourage continued virtual participation by the public.

Commissioner Sullivan spoke in support of moving back to Chamber with the understanding that meetings could move back to Community Center depending on COVID trends.

In response to questions, Mr. Langley advised that he is not aware of any indication the Governor’s emergency declaration will be lifted or extended and that as long as the declaration is in place, virtual participation by the Commission is permitted and not counted toward commission's three meeting limit on virtual participation.

Commissioner Cooper asked about Commission separation. Mr. Knight advised that partitions have been installed between each seat at the dais, but further separation could be accommodated by seating only the Commission at the dais.

Consensus to return to Chamber and monitor cases to determine whether to return to Community Center.

c. Advisory Board Renewal (required by May 1, 2021) Mr. Knight explained that the code requires review of non-statutory boards every five years to decide whether to sunset or continue boards. Staff is recommending continuing all boards except the Golf Course Advisory Board (GCAB) moving its responsibilities to the Parks and Recreation Board.

Mayor Anderson said he would like to strengthen the mandate of Economic Development Advisory Board (EDAB) and clarify what the commission’s tasks such as continuation of support of recovery efforts. He suggested adding a spending authority of $100k and adding an additional resident member with the Chamber president being a standing member. He suggested adding spending authority, initially $100,000, for the CRA Advisory Board (CRAAB) to accelerate distribution of money into the community on programs deemed appropriate and beneficial to the community.

Commissioner DeCiccio supported sunsetting the GCAB board and agreed with Mayor Anderson’s suggestions for EDAB and CRAAB.

Commissioner Weaver suggested that GCAB members be contacted first to see if they would like to serve on the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. He expressed his concern regarding the lack of attendance/participation by appointed members.

Mr. Knight advised that per the city code, members cannot miss three consecutive meetings without justifiable reasons and that since the members serve at pleasure of the Mayor or appointing Commissioner who can remove a board member.

Commissioner Cooper proposed adding an OAO Appearance Review Board and Budget Review Advisory Board. She suggested a review of all boards to determine which should have a budget and that a budget should be added for the Public Art Advisory Board. She feels the Chamber president should not be a voting member of EDAB and that a member of the Park Avenue Area Association be a consulting member. She further suggested that the board routinely present a report on its activities to the Commission.

Mr. Langley advised that an ordinance is needed to change provisions that add, remove or revise board membership, responsibilities and authority. He responded to questions regarding processes and recommended extending the boards and then directing the creation of an ordinance on board changes for future consideration.

Motion made by Commissioner DeCiccio to extend all boards except the Golf Course Advisory Board; seconded by Commissioner Sullivan. There were no public comments. Upon a roll call vote, Mayor Anderson and Commissioners Sullivan, DeCiccio, Cooper and weaver voted yes. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.

Motion made by Commissioner Sullivan to sunset the Golf Course Advisory Board; seconded by Commissioner Cooper. There were no public comments. Upon a roll call vote, Mayor Anderson and Commissioners Sullivan, DeCiccio, Cooper and weaver voted yes. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.

Motion made by Commissioner Cooper to add OAO Appearance Review Committee in order to begin accepting applications; seconded by Commissioner Weaver. (Withdrawn)

Mr. Langley recommended establishing this board by inclusion in the OAO zoning code with general authority and responsibilities and also in Chapter II of the code relating city boards. Commissioner Cooper pointed out that this named in the OAO zoning as an advisory board.

Commissioner Cooper withdrew her motion.

Motion made by Commissioner Cooper to direct staff to draft an ordinance that would initiate a policy that is being setting forth in the OAO document to establish an architectural appearance review board; seconded by Commissioner Weaver. (Vote was not taken but approved by consensus.

Discussion ensued on the need and ability to begin accepting applications and the need to first establish the board’s authority before accepting applications and the timing for adoption of the OAO and the ordinance establishing this board.

Commissioner Cooper supported a budget review board. Mayor Anderson suggested this may be a topic for future discussion before directing staff to draft an ordinance. Agreed by consensus.

Julie VonWeller, Williams Drive, suggested adding an equity and inclusion advisory board and youth advisory board.

12) Public Hearings 12.a Request of the City of Winter Park for: (Postponed to the April 28 Regular Commission meeting at the request of City staff)

13) City Commission Reports Commissioner Sullivan • Reported that two Rollins College professors are having book launch on May 6th at Mead Botanical Garden with book sales to benefit Mead Garden and Florida Chapter of the Nature Conservancy.

Commissioner DeCiccio • Suggested that a section for a plaque be included as part of the MLK Park plan. • Said that she has received comments from Park Avenue merchants that curbside parking on Park Avenue is not necessary and are losing customers. Mr. Knight advised that the Chamber is conducting a survey and results will be presented in the next commission meeting. • Asked that the Utilities Advisory Board give a report and recommendation on broad band, specifically steps, direction and performance. Approved by consensus. • Thanked city staff for disseminating information on scam phone calls on utility service cut-off.

Commissioner Weaver • Advised that Lashonda Lovette, Director of Housing Authority, reported that low- income, elderly, and physically challenged residents on their properties have been vaccinated. Mayor Anderson thanked Commissioners DeCiccio and Weaver for escalating this • Reported that his rooftop solar system is live and that Duke has agreed to underground his neighborhood utilities this fall. Mayor Anderson suggested exploring opportunities with Duke to install non-exclusive communication conduit for broadband.

Commissioner Cooper • Asked commission members submit to comments on the OAO zoning text documents. Mr. Stephenson said that all comments will be included in the draft. • Informed the commission on Florida League of Cities web meetings on COVID relief funding • Advised that FLC is looking for volunteers for advocacy committees. • Stated that the Park Avenue Area Association has requested to make a presentation to the Commission. Approved by consensus. • Suggested future a commission discussion how often and what groups make presentations to the commission. • Expressed her appreciation for being nominated to serve as Vice Mayor.

Commissioner Anderson • Spoke on recent work sessions on commission priorities, specifically preservation of values, history, heritage and village ambience. The commission had discussed retaining a traditional neighborhood design expert as part of recurring contract and asked staff to prepare an RFP for a type of urban planning that focuses on a village scale.Approved by consensus.

• Addressed the commission’s priority for resident boards and participation, training. The board application is under revision to address diversity and inclusion. He suggested considering a task force that discusses diversity, equity and inclusion as a way to increase/improve public engagement.

• Approved consent agenda.

• Move forward with Comstock parking plan, continue to explore additional parking options.

• Move meetings to Chamber beginning June 1st

• Continue advisory boards exceptGolf Course AdvisoryBoard

• Staff to prepare draft ordinance to add OAO Appearance ReviewCommittee, add a member to EDAB and a provide budgets for certain boards.

• Utilities Advisory Board to look at broadband and report to Commission

• Complete survey of curbside pickup program

• Explore having Duke Energy install conduit for fiber while undergrounding.

• Schedule Park Avenue Area Association presentation for upcoming meeting

• Staff to draft an RFP for consultant to help definite village charm/character

The meeting adjourned at 6:37 p.m.

Posted to on May 31, 2021.

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