August 24, 2022, at 3:30 p.m.
Present Mayor Phil Anderson; Commissioners Marty Sullivan, Sheila DeCiccio, Kris Cruzada and Todd Weaver; City Manager Randy Knight; City Attorney Kurt Ardaman; City Clerk Rene Cranis
1) Meeting Called to Order
Mayor Anderson called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m.
2) Invocation
The invocation was provided by Finance Director Wes Hamil followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
3) Approval of Agenda
Motion made by Commissioner Sullivan to approve the agenda; seconded by Commissioner DeCiccio. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.
4) Mayor Report
Mayor Anderson expressed his pleasure in serving the public and complimented Orange County Supervisor of Elections on running efficient and secure elections.
6) City Manager Report Mr. Knight reminded everyone of drop off locations for recycling election signs.
a. Meet Your Department: Communications
Director of Communications Clarissa Howard spoke about the Meet Your Department series to educate the public about city departments and staff which have been shared on social media and city's website with positive feedback. She introduced the Communications staff and showed video highlighting their work.
7) City Attorney Report Attorney Ardaman reported that information is being gathered on the Sunshine Law and public records as it relates to the Library.
8) Non-Action Items a. Budget Presentation: Winter Park Library Executive Director of Winter Park Library Sabrina Bernat gave a presentation on the Library providing statistics on staffing, service hours, attendance, circulation, computer usage and spoke about classes, programs and activities for different groups. She reviewed staff wages, retention and staffing challenges and presented a request for $71k above the city’s proposal in order to fund an increase in minimum wage from $13 to $15/hour and to cover employer paid benefits. She shared revenue targets for fundraising, special events and bookstore. She responded to questions about opening on Sundays stating that it is not possible with current staffing levels and would require hiring additional staff. She noted that the Library has not been open on Sundays since March 2020 and that it was one of the slower days in old Library; however, with the increased programming, they are seeing an increase in attendance on weekends.
Commissioner Sullivan asked about the Library’s arrangement for management of investment funds. Mrs. Bernat said they work with Merrill Lynch in compliance with the Library’s investment policy which they are updating. Commissioner Sullivan asked for a copy of the policy.
Dan Yarborough, Treasurer of Library Board of Trustees, said the Library has partnered with Merrill Lynch for management of endowment funds and meets with their advisors quarterly to review performance. He explained their target allocation and performance, which they believe is comparable to the overall market. Mrs. Bernat noted that some endowments are restricted for a specific purpose.
Mayor Anderson spoke about staffing and wage challenges while maintaining service levels. He suggested that if the city increases its support, the expectation would be that it would flatten out and revert for future years.
Discussion followed on staffing levels and cost. Mrs. Bernat explained the $71k request includes wages, FICA and benefits and stated that continue to cross-train and pursue partnerships to help with programming.
Commissioner Sullivan asked for a line item budget showing current and proposed city support in order to understand how the city’s support is spent. Mrs. Bernat said she can provide the current line item budget but can provide only a proposed budget since the budget will not be finalized until city support is known.
Action on the Library’s request was addressed during the budget discussion.
b. Board Appointment - Public Art Advisory Board Mayor Anderson reported his appointment of Tinker Marsh to the Public Art Advisory Board.
9) Public Comments| 5 p.m. or soon thereafter (taken after Item 11b)
10) Consent Agenda
a. Approve the minutes of the regular meeting, August 10, 2022
b. Approve the minutes of the work session, August 11, 2022
c. Approve the following piggyback contracts:
1. Weedoo Greenboats, Inc. - Florida Sheriffs Association Contract #FSA20- EQU18.0 - Heavy Equipment; Amount: $91,440 for the purchase of a Weedoo TC-3012 Aquatic Weed Cutter. Contract term valid through September 30, 2023.
2. Duval Ford LLC - Florida Sheriffs Association Contract #FSA20-VEL28.0 - Pursuit, Administrative, and Other Vehicles; Amount: $100,000 for additional funds needed to cover price increases on 2023 models. Contract term valid through September 30, 2023.
3. Florida Catastrophe Corp. - Osceola County Contract #RFP-1-9-10971-VJ
- Indoor Air Quality Remediation Services; Amount: $100,000 for the remainder of the contract term through July 31, 2024.
4. Florida Chemical Supply, Inc. - Pinellas County Contract #IFB 190-0479- B(JA) – Hydrofluosilicic Acid; Amount: $250,000 for the duration of the contract term through December 31, 2025.
5. Dataprose - City of Freeport Contract #RFP6-20-2018 - Utility Bill Printing & Distribution Services; Amount: $185,000 for the current term of the contract. The contract term is perpetual and will expire upon mutual agreement between the Originating Agency and Dataprose.
6. Bob's Barricades, Inc. - City of Boca Raton Contract #2022-018 - Special Event Maintenance of Traffic Equipment and RelatedServices; Amount: $100,000 for the duration of the contractterm through August 20, 2023.
7. Traffic Logix Corporation - Sourcewell Contract #RFP070821-LGX - Speed Humps, Cushions and Tables; Amount: $100,000 for the duration of the contract term through August 9, 2025.
d. Approve the following formal solicitations:
1. Spies Pool, LLC - IFB21-22- Cady Way Pool Filter Purchase; Amount:
2. Lafleur Nurseries and Garden Center, LLC - IFB22-22 - Landscape and Tree Installation; Amount: $400,000
3. George Gadson Studios - RFP19-22 - Shady Park Call for Artists; Amount:
e Approve Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Award - Denning Drive Digital Inclusion Project
f. Approve ARPA Funding Allocations - Parks and Natural Resources Electric Vehicles and Equipment
Motion made by Commissioner Weaver to approve the Consent Agenda; seconded by Commissioner DeCiccio. There were no public comments. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.
11) Action ItemsRequiring Discussion a. Discussion on the regulation of short-term rentals. Director of Planning and Transportation Jeff Briggs noted that this is a result of a request by a resident, Rick Keith, that the city consider allowing short-term rentals where the owner lives on-site. He explained the basis for the city code which prohibits short-term rentals for periods less than one month which effectively eliminates vacation rentals. He said there may be some opportunities to revisit the code to require homesteading of property which may work for duplexes, garage apartments or guest houses and to allow only for historic properties or city-wide with an on-premise owner.
Commissioner Weaver gave a presentation on the issues with short-term rentals in single-family neighborhoods beginning with Osceola County which now allows short- term rentals on homestead properties and with an on-site owner. He reviewed the City of Orlando's regulations and his proposed changes to limit number of guests to four which reduces the ability to rent out entire houses. Requirements include a short-term rental permit application fee and taxes and prohibits current commission members from eligibility for two years from inception. He gave a presentation on cities that allow short- term rentals and advantages of allowing short-term rentals including general fund revenue generation, visitor dollars and owner income. He said taxes paid by guests could be used to augment housing rehabilitation programs or a public art fund.
Mr. Ardaman stated state statute prohibits local agencies from banning or regulating the duration or frequency of rentals; however, the law provides that that prohibition does not apply to any local law ordinance in effect prior to June 1, 2011. The city’s ban was grandfathered in since it was in effect prior to 2011 and if the commission elects to modify its rule and allow certain short-term rentals, the city runs the risk of invalidating that grandfathered status. He stated that, in accordance with an Attorney General’s opinion, if short-term rentals were allowed, even in a pilot program, the city could not re-establish its prohibition; however, if short-term rentals are allowed in limited situations, i.e. owner-occupied houses, the prohibition in other situations could remain in place. He added the city could still restrict short-term rentals in some areas/instances but it may be challenged and pointed out that the city cannot in any case limit the frequency or duration of rentals. Discussion followed on the ability to regulate in certain situations, the potential for challenges and impact if the state law changes.
Commissioner Weaver pointed out that this will promote putting homes on Historic Register, alleviate gentrification, and reduce impact on traffic. He would support allowing on historic properties as opposed to historic designations.
Mayor Anderson said he feels the risk is too large and potentially expensive to respond to challenges. Commissioner Weaver said he has not heard of reports of litigation and restated benefits of allowing short-term rentals.
Commissioner Sullivan said he likes the idea but is reluctant since the city will be giving up its grandfathered status and the potential for changes at the state level. Further discussion followed.
Motion made by Commissioner Weaver to provide direction to staff to bring forward an ordinance; seconded by Commissioner Sullivan.
Motion made by Commissioner Sullivanto amend the motion to direct staff to develop a way to receive public input.
Mr. Knight advised that citywide notice could be given, at a cost of approximately $6k, or a survey, but public notice would be given at readings of the ordinance.
Motion made by Commissioner Weaver to amend the motion to restrict short-term rentals to historically designated properties. (Accepted by Commissioner Sullivan.)
Discussion followed on the extent, type and cost of city-wide public notice ($6k). Commissioners Sullivan and Weaver supported city-wide notice.
Beth Fox, 647 Callahan Street, owner of two long-term rentals spoke in favor of owner- occupied short-term rentals with limitation on number of guests and paying a fee. See sees no benefit in limiting this to historic properties. She has not seen a negative impact to her neighborhood and appreciates the income and said the city benefits from her referral to Winter Park businesses and restaurants.
Rick Keith, 849 Antonette Avenue, said allowing short-term rentals gives him the flexibility to rent the other side of his duplex but also reserve it for family guests. The income is appreciated for maintenance and upkeep. He said he has experienced a reduction in rentals since he cannot rent for less than 30 days and expressed his hope for a resolution.
Rafael Nevez, Orwin Manor resident and owner of a vacation rental management company, addressed the myths about vacation rentalsand noted that the typical guests are families and there is minimal impact on housing and rents. He encouraged the Commission to consider the benefits.
Jennifer McMurtray, 217 Lincolnshire Road, corporate housing provider, said she the city is losing transient tax revenue and business by prohibiting short-term rentals. She feels the 30-day minimum duration is too restrictive and flexibility is needed to fill gaps between rentals.
Steve Simms, 1201 Tom Gurney Drive, spoke about his experience with short-term rentals in New Smyrna Beach and opposed any loosening of any restrictions.
Michael Voll, 719 French Avenue, commented on issues experienced in his neighborhood and expressed his concerns about impact to historic districts and opposed short-term rentals because it opens the city to liability.
Upon a roll call vote on the main motion with amendments, Commissioners Sullivan and Weaver voted yes and Commissioners DeCiccio and Cruzada and Mayor Anderson voted no. Motion failed with a 2-3 vote.
9) Public Comments| 5 p.m. or soon thereafter Steven Gallagher, 1930 Summerland Drive, showed images of conditions in the city needing to be addressed and offered suggestions to install a fence or hedge around the trash collection site near the entrance to the train station; repair water fountains; convert unused open space at Dinky Dock for parking and remove city vehicles parked outside the cemetery offices at Palm Cemetery.
A recess was held from 5:47 to 6:15 p.m.
b. Amended and Restated Wholesale Sewer Service Agreement Between the City of Altamonte Springs and the City of Winter Park
Director of Water and Wastewater Utility David Zusi reviewed the changes to the agreement including the purchase additional capacity to divert flow and responded to questions.
Motion made by Commissioner Weaver to approvethe agreement; seconded by Commissioner DeCiccio. There were no public comments. Upon a roll call vote, Commissioners Sullivan, DeCiccio, Cruzada and Weaver and Mayor Anderson voted yes. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.
Division Director of OMB Peter Moore reviewed staff’s changes to revenue projections since presentation of the preliminary budget: TIF Increment Revenue for CRA (+$74,260); FDOT Contribution for Light Maintenance (+$30k); Municipal Revenue Sharing (+$165,489) Half-cent Sales Tax (-$647,497); Communications, Local Option, Property Tax (+155,842); Parks User and Building and Permitting Fees (+$389,669). These adjustments leave a contingency fund balance of $613k.
Mr. Moore reviewed additional suggestions of staff. He explained the current employment market and the competitiveness of employee pay and provided other agency proposed pay changes and bonuses. Staff is recommending a 5% COLA and up to 2.5% performance-based pay increase (change from 3% and 3.5% in preliminary budget) and a one-time bonus to full and part-time employees of more than six months as of October 1st excluding top level management and temporary and seasonal employees to be paid from ARPA funds with an unallocated balance of approximately $860k.
He commented on Commissioner Sullivan’s recommendations to add Juneteeth as an employee holiday ($60k); fund Orange Avenue complete study ($250k) and I- 4/Fairbanks development annexation and development concept studies ($150k). He noted that the Commission has previously committed $750k of ARPA funds for planning and transportation studies and that plans for golf course maintenance structure on Swoope property are moving forward.
Mayor Anderson recalled that the $150k and $250k for studies are part of the $750k in ARPA funds allocated to prepare for potential grants. Mr. Moore said that funding has not been designated to a specific project. Mayor Anderson suggested adding a discussion on the 5 and 25-year capital project plan to next meeting.
Additional items were suggested by Commissioner Sullivanand discussed: • Provide access to Howell Branch Preserve ($60k) – parking and access to Lake Waumpi path not funded by grant. Mr. Knight advised that alternate routes are being explored. • Orange Avenue complete street study ($250k) – study and conceptual plan of modifications of the roads with a roundabout with a public presentation. The Commission discussed the need, feasibility and cost for new studies or updating completed studies. • I-4/Fairbanks Development ($150k)- prepare for annexation and prepare conceptual plans for the development of the area. He would like the city to have control over the area rather than Orlando. • Golf Course Maintenance structure ($1m) - Mr. Knight noted the depending on the cost of materials, the city has the flexibility to delay construction until costs decrease this is funded from the proceeds of the sale of the Swoope Avenue property. • Purchase of Orange Avenue - Bank of the Ozarks property ($3.5M) – purchase for future greenspace, potential roundabout, or Sunrail stop. He noted that the remaining cost of $6.5 could be funded from donations. Funding options were discussed including bond issue, loan or solicitation of donations.
Commissioner DeCiccio supported increasing the support to the Library by $71k for wages as requested and suggested an additional $350K to open the Library on Sundays ($245k from contingency and $160k from ARPA funds).
Mayor Anderson suggested combing the Orange Avenue complete street study, I- 4/Fairbanks into a topic of having staff bring back recommendations for use of the $750k allocated for studies. Approved by consensus.
Commissioner Cruzada expressed his concern at the possibility of having to use reserve funds.
Commissioner Weaver opposed the Orange Avenue street study and preferred that staff determine whether a roundabout is feasible before moving forward with a more detailed study and also the I-4 Fairbanks study. He suggested an alternate location for Sunrail and potential use for roundabout and sell the land not needed or use for underground regional stormwater, He suggested shorter hours on Sunday to reduce costs.
Mr. Knight advised that a formal vote on the budget will occur in upcoming meeting but consensus is needed on what items to include in the budget. responded questions about staffing needs on Sunday to serve guests.
There were no public comments.
Upon questioning, Mrs. Bernat advised that $350k will cover the cost for 4-6 hours on Sunday and explained staffing to cover these additional hours.
Mr. Briggs advised that $750k has been budgeted for transportation study, of which $50k is for comp plan amendment transportation and that studies have already been done for Orange Avenue. He added there is no need to fund studies for the I-4/ Fairbanks area since development will be buyer and market driven.
Motion made by Mayor Anderson to approve staff’s revenue adjustments; seconded by Commissioner DeCiccio. Motion carriedunanimously with a 5-0 vote.
Motion made by Mayor Anderson to approve the 5% COLA and up to 2.5% merit increase; seconded by Commissioner Weaver. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.
Motion made by Mayor Anderson to approve the one- time employee retention bonus as recommended; seconded by Commissioner Cruzada. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.
Motion made by Mayor Anderson to approve the addition of Juneteenth as an employee holiday; seconded by Commissioner Weaver. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.
Mayor Anderson commented on the Orange Avenue streetscape study and roundabout. and said he feels a discussion is needed on the scope and use of the $750k allocated for studies. Discussion followed on the need to first determine the feasibility of a roundabout given the design of the intersection. Mr. Knight said he feels this is not a budget decision today since the $750k already budgeted and following additional discussion it was determined that staff will prepare a preliminary report on the feasibility of a roundabout before moving forward with detailed.
Motion made by Mayor Anderson to prioritize the Howell Branch Preserve access and find an undesignated funding source; seconded by Commissioner Sullivan.
Mr. Moore stated that the timeline for Showalter Field improvements could be deferred to FY 24 in order to fund this access.
Motion made by Mayor Anderson to find a place to put it in the budget; seconded by Commissioner Weaver. Motion carried with a 4 - 1 vote. Commissioner Cruzada voted no.
Mayor Anderson suggested reviewing the purchase of the Orange Avenue property in the contextof a refreshed 5 and 25-year plan. Discussion followed on cost, which could be partially funded by donations, the feasibility and cost of issuing bonds, requirements for a referendum, and risks of not acting soon since the property is on the market
Mr. Knight stated that if it is the commission’s intent to purchase, he needs direction on how to frame an offer that provides a contingency that the $3M would have to be raised through donations a certain date.
Motion made by Mayor Anderson to approve the increase in support to the Library by $71k; secondedby Commissioner DeCiccio. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.
Motion made by Mayor Anderson to approve increase support to the Library by $350k to fund Sunday operating hours for discussion; seconded by Commissioner Weaver. Motion failed with a 2-3 vote.
Mayor Anderson said he feels that the during an inflationary adjustment, it is not an appropriate time to increase level of service. Commissioner Weaver agreed.
Upon a voice vote, Commissioners Sullivan and DeCiccio voted yes and Commissioners Cruzada and Weaver and Mayor Anderson voted no. Motion failed with a 2-3 vote.
Mayor Anderson said he believes the commission’s direction is to evaluate options to purchase property the Orange Avenue property. Staff responded questions on due diligence funds and potential risk of losing a deposit if private funding goal is not met. Mr. Ardaman recommended that the offer disclose that the city will have to raise additional funds.
Majority consensus was to readdress this during budget discussions on how to fund the purchase of the property.
Mr. Moore reported a contingency balance of $114k with approved items.
d. FY 2023 1st Qtr. Commission Meeting and Work Session Schedule Mr. Knight noted that the schedule includes cancellation of the 2nd meetings in November and December due to holidays.
Commissioner Weaver referred to an e-mail by Michael Pool regarding the Sustainability Action Plan. Mr. Knight said the RFP for the feasibility study was reviewed by the Utilities Advisory Board and Keep Winter Park Beautiful and Sustainability Advisory Board and the contract has been signed.
Director of Natural Resources and Sustainability Gloria Eby said a presentation will be given to both boards when the feasibility study is complete which is expected to take eight months.
Consensus was to leave the work session dates on the calendar with additional topics to be added.
Motion made by Commissioner Sullivan to approve the work session schedule including the cancellation of the November 23, 2023 and December 28, 2023 commission meetings; seconded by Commissioner Weaver. There were no public comments. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.
Attorney Ardaman read the resolution by title. Mr. Briggs stated that this provides documentation of prior approval of this historic designation.
Motion made by Commissioner Weaver to adopt the resolution; seconded by Commissioner Sullivan. There were no public comments. Upon a roll call vote, Commissioners Sullivan, DeCiccio, Cruzada and Weaver and Mayor Anderson voted yes. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.
13) Public Hearings: Non-Quasi-Judicial Matters (Public participation and comment on these matters may be virtual or in-person.)
a. Ordinance amending Chapter 58, Section 58-95 and add Section 58-170 governing artificial turf requirements. (1st Reading) Tabledfrom August 10, 2022 meeting. (Request to withdraw by staff for further review.)
Attorney Ardaman read the ordinance by title. Mrs. McGillis said the Water and Waste Water and Electric Utilities Departments have no issues with the ordinance as presented.
Motion made by Mayor Anderson to adopt the ordinance; seconded by Commissioner Weaver. There were no public Comments. Upon a roll call vote, Commissioners Sullivan, DeCiccio, Cruzada and Weaver and Mayor Anderson voted yes. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.
c. Fee Schedule Effective October 1, 2022 Director of Finance Wes Hamil presented revised schedule.
Mayor Anderson addressed Winter Pines Golf Course (WPGC) and asked if the fee schedule conforms with Golf Course Advisory Board (GCAB) with regard to grandfathering in long-term neighbors and golfers. Mr. Knight explained that the fees are the same for WP9 but the residential rate are recommended to be extended to residents of Winter Pines community. He stated that the commission could consider a phased in rate for current members or buying a packet of greens fees if purchased by a certain date to ease into new rates. Mayor Anderson feels the definitional change that allows Winter Pines community to be eligible for the Winter Park residents fee is a good approach and suggested the city ensure Winter Park residents understand the community is being given that allowance.
Commissioner Sullivan suggested charging current members of Winter Pines GC the current rate in an effort to retain regular golfers.
Mr. Seeley noted that the golf course is not taking new members at this time and suggested keeping the rate available for existing members only. He added that the GCAB suggested all Winter Pines HOA residents be treated as residents for membership and green fees. Agreed to by consensus for membership and green fees.
Discussion was held on grandfathering non-residential member rates and impacts on to golfers, membership and revenue during which Mayor Anderson suggested imposing a one-year sunsetting provision.
In response to comments by Commissioner Cruzada, Mr. Hamil clarified the Farmer Market Fee would increase from $2200 to $2400.
Commissioner Weaver commended the Parks & Recreation for the amount of revenue it generates for the city. He asked Mr. Seeley if there are accommodations to increase the percentage for Parks & Recreation budget. Mr. Seeley explained that the department tries to keep the percentage at 40-50%.
Commissioner Sullivan noted that permitting fees were reduced. Mr. Knight explained that there is still more money being put into the reserves instead of breaking even and the city would like to get closer to a break-even point which is the purpose of lowering the fees.
Motion made by Commissioner Weaver to approve changes to the City's fee schedule to become effective October 1, 2022 with one-year sunset provision for WPGC membership fees; seconded by Commissioner Sullivan. There were no public comments. Upon a roll call vote, Commissioners Sullivan, DeCiccio, Cruzada and Weaver and Mayor Anderson voted yes. Motion carried unanimously with a 5-0 vote.
14) City Commission Reports Commissioner Sullivan - • Listed locations for campaign election sign recycling – Howell Branch fire station, Mead Garden and Cady Way Pool. • Advocated for advisory board involvement in what goes on with the city. He stated that city staff has discretion on whether to bring items to the boards with the exception of RFPs affecting city policy; which are required to go before a board. He asked staff to outline and define what would be a significant change to policy and take such policies to advisory board for review. He cited the changes to stormwater fee billing that goes from the utility bill to the property tax bill as a topic that might have been of interested to a citizen board.
Commissioner DeCiccio agrees that certain topics should go to the board for review, but is unsure how to define what is significant. She feels a change in rates should go before the board. Commissioner Cruzada agreed that board members should be involved. Mr. Knight said staff will attempt to define and ensure significant items go before advisory boards.
Commissioner DeCiccio - • Received an e-mail regarding the Muscovy ducks on Lake Knowlesand Muscovy. Mrs. Eby explained the process for removing ducks and noted that there has been a lot of public outcry as a result. She stated that the ducks cannot be relocated according to Florida Fisch and Wildlife rules. She discussed the hardship with communities not being able to agree on how to handle removal of the ducks. Commissioner DeCiccio asked that Ms. Eby speak to resident regarding the options. Ms. Eby stated she will speak to the neighbor and continue to reach out and educate the community.
Commissioner Weaver -
• Spoke about recycling efforts as they related to the plastic plates and asked Mrs. Eby to request the caterer to find a recyclable plate option to be used at any future events.
• Asked that the lights in the chamber near the right side of the dais be removed to reduce glare from the screen.
Mayor Anderson - • Suggested the commission take another look at the paid banner program for light poles. He stated that it is staff's discretion to interpret and apply policy and there is some sensitivity for how the decisions are being made. He suggested revisiting the program and consider suspending the paid portion. Commissioner DeCiccio noted that the ordinance related to banners was recently review strengthened by the commission pursuant to the Supreme Court. Mayor Anderson feels the city has a situation where staff is being asked to interpret provisions and does not feel this is the best approach. He suggested staff come back with a different approach.
Mr. Knight stated that staff can research and bring back options that are less discretionary on the part of staff. He noted that Rollins College has paid for September banners.
Mr. Ardaman added that the policy meets Supreme Court ruling. He provided an option by which the commission consider specifics about banner content which would narrow staff's discretion. He stated that staff will have an option that will be more specific to what the commission would like to allow.
Mayor Anderson stated that he is looking for clarity about narrowing staff's approval rights. Mr. Ardaman stated that staff will come back something that's both consistent with the United States Supreme Court rulings and achieve that objective.
• Approved the Fee Schedule with modifications to Winter PinesGolf Course fees.r CIP on the next agenda. • Received Meet the Department presentation from Communications. • Received Library budget presentation. • Approved the Consent Agenda. • Agreed to make no changes to the short-term rental ordinance. • Approved the Sewer Service Agreement with Altamonte Springs. • Discussed and approved budgetamendments. • Approved quarterly work session schedule and cancelation of 2nd meetings in November and December. • Approved the historic designation of the property at 331 W. Lyman Avenue. • Approved the ordinance amending development standards regarding setbacks.
• Approved the Fee Schedule with modifications to Winter Pines Golf Course fees.
• Directed staff to provide language defining significant changes and require those changes to go before boards.
• Staff to remove lights over Dais near screen.
• Directed staff to revisit the banner policy and bring back language for consideration.
• Directed staff to address resident concerns regarding the Muscovy ducks.
16) Adjournment
The meeting was adjournedat 8:28 p.m.
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Posted to on October 10, 2022.